Donbass. September 27th, 2017


The Ukrainian Army has opened fire on the village Vasilyevka near Yasinovataya in the afternoon. The old woman was injured. She’s in the hospital.


A local resident of Donbass told Ukraine fights with people of Donbass, not with the Russian Army.


The Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled 10 localities in the Donetsk People’s Republic. They used tanks, mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, grenade launchers and small arms. 1 soldier of the DPR was killed. A house burnt in the village Kominternovo.


Kiev fighters shelled the positions of the LPR People’s Militia 5 times. They opened fire on the localities Frunze, Berezovskoe, Smeloe and Logvinovo. They used grenade launchers and small arms; it has been reported by the Ministry of Defense.




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