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Actualités du jour, 7 juillet 2018 Le gouvernement britannique a accepté le contenu du document, qui devrait déterminer les relations commerciales entre Londres et l’UE après le Brexit, rapporte Interfax en citant Sky News. [...] 07.07.2018 Подробнее Breaking News, 7th of July, 2018 The British government agreed on the content of the document, which should determine the trade relations between London and the EU after Brexit, Interfax reports while citing Sky News. The [...] Подробнее Noticias de última hora, el 5 de julio de 2018 Yuriy Trutnev, el Plenipotenciario del presidente en el Lejano Oriente y el Viceprimer Ministro, informó que los representantes de 19 países, incluso, Gran Bretaña, Canadá, los EE.UU., China y [...] 05.07.2018 Подробнее Actualités du jour, 5 juillet 2018 Des représentants de 19 pays, y compris de la Grande-Bretagne, du Canada, des Etats-Unis, de la Chine et du Japon, ont annoncé leur intention de participer au Forum économique de l’Est, qui [...] Подробнее Breaking News 5th of July, 2018 Representatives of 19 countries, including Britain, Canada, China and Japan, have announced their intention to participate in the Eastern Economic Forum, which will take place during 11th of [...] Подробнее Breaking news, 27th of April, 2018 The representatives of the OPCW could not find traces of chemical weapons in soil and water samples, which indicates that the attack on Syria by the NATO forces was not only illegal, but also [...] 28.04.2018 Подробнее
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