A missile strike on the Iraqi Kurdistan


1 Iraq

The ’Iran International’ news agency reported that the fighter jets of the IRGC launched a missile attack on the positions of anti-Iranian groups in the Iraqi Kurdistan. Earlier, the commander of the ground forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Mohammad Pakpur, stated that Iran won’t tolerate the increase in the activity of the terrorist groups in north of Iraq. In case of a threat to the Iranian borders — Iran will attack them.

2 Afghanistan

The Taliban have banned all further protests in the country. The Interior Ministry’s first official statement since the formation of the Afghan interim government said that no one should currently attempt to organize protests without permission. The offenders face «serious criminal consequences.» As a reason, the authorities explained that in recent days, some people violate public order. At the same time, the Islamists named the conditions for protests in the future. Organizers must obtain prior approval from the Ministry of Justice, at least 24 hours before the start of the demonstration, they should communicate the place, time and slogans of the demonstration to the judicial and security authorities. In recent days, the Taliban have dispersed demonstrations by scaring the crowd with gunfire into the air. They also banned media coverage of the protests. Recently in Kabul and Herat, up to 1000 people marched against the Taliban and Pakistan, which supports them. The protesters stated that Pakistan «interferes in internal Afghan affairs.»

3 Israel — Syria

The Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid stated at a press conference after the negotiations with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that Israel isn’t negotiating a peace treaty with Syria. «Negotiations are not currently underway between Israel and Syria. There is not much to negotiate about. There are security talks, but Israel isn’t going to return the Golan Heights to Syria, so there is nothing to discuss» — he concluded.

4 Afghanistan

A special airplane of the Kazakh Air Force have arrived at Kabul airport to evacuate 200 Americans and citizens of other countries — the Qatari TV channel ’Al Jazeera’ reported. According to the ’Al Jazeera’ TV — foreign nationals who want to get out of the country are currently arriving to the airport. Another special airplane from Qatar recently landed at the Kabul airport — it delivered humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

5 Russia

The opening ceremony of the joint strategic exercises of the Russian and Belarus forces took place at the Mulino military training ground, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. «The ’West-2021’ training is strictly defensive in nature. It is aimed at training troops to conduct military operations in modern conditions and increased inter-operability of the military command and control bodies of the armed forces of our allies and friendly states» — said the Deputy Russian Minister of Defense Nikolai Pankov. According to him — the training is massive: «the scope, composition of the participating states, the number of personnel and equipment involved in the training shows the increased importance of the joint training of the armed forces».

6 Brazil

Brazilian truck drivers who support the president Jair Bolsonaro began to partially block federal and regional roads on Wednesday. They demand, following the head of state, the resignation of the Federal Supreme Court judge, Alechandri de Morais — the TASS news agency reported. Jair Bolsonaro asked his supporters to «not impede the road movement as much as possible». Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS

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