An explosion in the center of Baghdad


1 Iraq

An explosion took place in the center of Baghdad. «The incident took place near one of the entrances to the green zone» — the ‘Al Arabiya’ TV specified. No details of the incident were reported. The Reuters reported while citing the British Embassy in Baghdad that a convoy of vehicles, belonging to the British diplomatic mission, was attacked with an IED. There were no casualties as a result of the explosion.

2 Iraq

The Iraqi TV channel ‘Al Sumaria’ reported while citing their sources in the security forces of Baghdad that on Tuesday night the «green zone» of Baghdad was hit with a rocket fire. It was reported that at least 2 rockets were fired at the district with buildings of government agencies, foreign diplomatic missions, and the US embassy. Air defense systems were used to repel the attack — they were installed in the ‘green zone’ several months ago in order to protect the US Embassy. It wasn’t reported where did the rockets hit. No information was given about any damage.

3 Afghanistan

An explosion in Jalalabad killed 1 person, and injured 3 more — the Tolo News TV reported while citing a spokesman for the governor of the Nangarhar province. It was reported that an official from the Afghan National Security Directorate died as a result of an explosion of an IED on the roadside.

4 The USA — Iran

Donald Trump stated on Twitter that the USA will provide a thousandfold larger response to any Iranian attacks that could be launched as a retaliation for the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the ex-commander of the Al-Quds — the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. On Monday, the US Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, stated on air of the ‘Fox News’ that the USA do take into account the article from the ‘Politico’. On Sunday the newspaper reported while citing the representatives of the American intelligence services that the Iranian authorities are considering an attempt on the life of the American ambassador to South Africa, Lana Marks, in a response to the assassination of Qasem Soleimani. The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Said Khatibzadeh, called the article of the ‘Politico’ to be «baseless». He noted that it is a part of the «informational campaign of the Donald Trump administration against Iran».

5 Russia

The Russian National Defense Control Center reported that on Monday, 4 Russian fighters intercepted 3 American B-52 strategic bombers over the Black Sea — they were coming from Ukraine. The Center reported that on 14th of September the radars of the air defense forces of the Southern Military District detected «3 air targets approaching the Russian state border, over the black sea, from Ukraine». 2 Su-27 fighters and 2 Su-30 fighters took off for the identification. «The Russian fighters identified the air targets as 3 US Air Force B-52H strategic bombers. They were escorted over the Black Sea» — the Center specified. After the American bombers departed from the Russian state border — the fighters returned to the airfields. There was no violation of the Russian state border. «All the flights of Russian fighters were carried out in a strict accordance with the international rules of the airspace» — the Center concluded.

6 Russia — Turkey

The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced that on 15th and 16th of September, Russia and Turkey will hold consultations on the situation in Syria and Libya. «Consultations between the Turkish and the Russian interdepartmental delegations on Syria and Libya will continue on 15th and 16th of September in Ankara» — the statement said. The previous round of negotiations took place from 31st of August to 1st of September, in Moscow. Before that — inter-departmental consultations between Russia and Turkey on the settlement in Libya were held on 21st and 22nd of July in Ankara. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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