An explosion in the Syrian city of Afrin


1 Syria

As a result of a bomb explosion in the center of the Syrian city of Afrin, in the province of Aleppo, 2 people were killed. Presumably, they were militants from the armed opposition forces — the ‘Al Hadath’ TV reports. According to the ‘Al Hadath’ — another 9 Syrians were injured. The IED was installed in a motorcycle, parked on the Mahmudiya shopping street, near the HQ of the Syrian opposition forces.

2 Syria

The ‘SANA’ news agency reported that an another US convoy headed from Iraq to Syria. It was reported that 50 trucks went through the ‘Al-Walid’ border crossing point, and headed to the US bases in Hasakah. The convoy with supplies and weapons was sent to support the US bases in Hasakah. The ‘SANA’ reminded that the US bases in Syria are illegal.

3 Syria

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that over the past day, the Russian representatives in the commission on the facts of violations of the cessation of hostilities in Syria have discovered one such violation. Turkey found two such violations. «The Russian representatives in the joint Russian-Turkish commission, made to monitor the issues related to the violations of the cessation of hostilities, noted one case of a firefight in the Idlib province. The Turkish representatives noted two cases of firefights in the province of Latakia» — the statement explained. The Center for the Reconciliation of the warring parties also conducted two humanitarian actions in the provinces of Raqqa and Hama.

4 Palestine

The Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riyadh al-Maliki, announced that Palestine would be ready to resume the negotiations with Israel if the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, forgets his plans to annex the territories in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. He confirmed the Palestinian intention to leave all the agreements with Israel in case of the implementation of the annexation plans on parts of the Palestinian territories. Earlier, during a UN Security Council meeting on a the Palestinian-Israeli settlement, the USA and Israel called on Palestine to not reject the so-called “deal of the century” on the Middle East settlement, and instead — begin the negotiations on the basis of that treaty. The Israeli Permanent Representative to the UN, Danny Danone, stated that Israel does not view its own claims to the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley as an attempt of annexation. «If Israel decides to expand its sovereignty — it will do so in relation to those territories to which it has always had legitimate and historical claims» ​​- the Permanent Representative of Israel stated. The European countries in the UN Security Council declared their readiness to change their relations with Israel in case of the annexation of Palestinian territories. The countries supported the assessment of the UN Secretary General that the annexation of any territory in the West Bank would go against the international law, the UN Charter, and the UN Security Council resolutions.

5 the USA

During a joint press conference with the Polish President, Andrzej Duda, in the White House — Donald Trump announced that the USA will transfer a part of their troops, stationed in Germany, to Poland. Donald Trump added that some of the US servicemen will return back home from Germany, and some will go to Poland. The Polish president, Andrzej Duda, stated that Poland is ready to accept more American soldiers on its territory.

6 Japan

During a meeting of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party on the security issues, the Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono announced that the Japanese authorities decided to cancel the plan to deploy »Aegis Ashore» missile defense systems in the Akita and Yamaguchi Prefectures — the NHK TV quoted the minister. «Given the current situation in the East China Sea, and from the point of view of the security policy — it would be unwise to rely on the missile defenses only via the warships with the ‘Aegis’ systems» — Taro Kono explained. He added that the discussion of this issue «will take place as an exchange of views between the government and the party». Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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