Attack on a NATO airbase || Weekly News, 11th of April, 2020


5 missiles hit a NATO airbase in Bagram area in the province of Parwan in Afghanistan — the NATO’s »Decisive Support» mission in Afghanistan reported on Twitter. «There were no casualties or injuries. Our partners, the National Security Forces of Afghanistan, are investigating the incident» — the report stated. The Reuters reported that the ISIS took the responsibility for the attack.

2 Yemen

The Yemeni information minister, Muammar al-Iriyani, stated that the «Ansar Allah» rebel movement launched rocket attacks on the cities of Marib and Hodeida in Yemen. The rebels also tried to regain their control over a military camp in Al-Jouf province. The information minister linked these rebel actions to the two-week announcement, made by the Arabian alliance, on a ceasefire in Yemen — the Saudi newspaper ‘Al Riyadh’ reports. Earlier, the coalition led by Saudi Arabia announced a ceasefire in Yemen for two weeks, in order to create the conditions to fight the new coronavirus. The full ceasefire regime takes effect on Thursday noon, and it may be extended later. The decision was made due to the UN ceasefire initiative — this was stated by the official representative of the coalition command, Colonel Turki al-Maliki, the »Al Arabiya» TV reports.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that after the disinfection at the Dragisha Mishovich Medical Clinical Center in the city of Belgrade — the Russian military doctors began receiving patients with suspected coronavirus infection. It was reported that the Russian doctors firstly studied the local organization of the treatment process, got acquainted with the diagnostic equipment and the other specifics of their Serbian colleagues. The Russian medical teams were sent to assess the epidemiological situation in other cities of Serbia, where they will advise their “Serbian colleagues on the organization of the quarantine and disinfection measures, and share their experience in the treatment of highly pathogenic diseases” — the Ministry concluded.

Russia and Saudi Arabia will produce no more than 8.5 millions of oil barrels per day in order to implement the new OPEC+ agreement, starting from May to the end of June — the final communique of the alliance countries stated after their last meeting, the RIA NEWS reported. According to the statement — the OPEC+ agreed to reduce their oil production in 3 stages, from the level of October of 2018.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a videoconference with the ISS crew that he is planning new negotiations with the foreign partners on the oil problem, and on the situation with the spread of the new coronavirus. He mentioned the interaction of Russia and the US in space as an example of a successful international cooperation. “Yesterday I discussed these problems with the US President. We still have some conversations to do on this very subject” — Vladimir Putin concluded.

The official representative of the European Commission, Peter Stano, stated during a video briefing in Brussels that the EU leadership does not see problems in maintaining the sanctions against Russia during the current coronavirus pandemic. According to Peter Stano, the sanctions «do not undermine the Russian ability to fight the coronavirus». Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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