Breaking News, 13th of July, 2018


Military aircraft of the Coalition led by the United States attacked two villages in the Syrian province of Deir ez Zor. According to preliminary data, more than 30 civilians died, dozens were injured, according to the Syrian national agency SANA. The air raid attacked villages near the city of Al-Bukemal, close to the border with Iraq, RIA News reports.

The Syrian army continues to restore their control over the territories in the south of the country previously occupied by the terrorists. Today, the Syrian state flag was officially raised over the area «Deraa al Balad» in Deraa province, as well as in the city of Tafaz. The Syrian army lost control of the southern regions during the beginning of the war and the territories remained under the Islamists for the last seven years.

‘The »Ukrainian question» is no longer being discussed around the world — this topic already irritates everyone in Europe» — said a deputy of the Ukrainian Parliament from the political party «The opposition block» Nestor Shufrich to the TV channel »112 Ukraine». After his return from the Berlin summit of the »OSCE Parliamentary Assembly» — he noted that «the ‘Ukrainian question’ already irritates everybody in there.» According to him — in Europe no-one understands why the »Minsk agreements» are not being implemented, and why the Ukrainian parliament does not pass the laws that require it. «We can’t do this, because this issue is being blocked by the coalition and the president» — Shufrich complained while adding that Kiev does not comply with the Minsk agreements.

Reporters of ANNA NEWS report from Syria. In the south of Syria, the Russian and Syrian military have taken American anti-tank missile systems from the terrorists in the city of Busra, Deraa province. The commanders of the «Free Syrian Army» detachments, casted away by Washington, also surrendered AA guns. About a month ago, the Islamists panicked when they heard that Russia had reached an agreement with the United States and Israel on the matter of elimination of the huge southern enclave of Islamists.

In the Zaporozhye province, unknown people installed billboards with the Soviet intelligence officer Pavel Sudoplatov, who is listed as a sworn enemy of the Ukrainian nationalists. The billboard shows Sudoplatov himself and the inscription «111 years — the struggle continues». Soviet intelligence officer Pavel Sudoplatov eliminated the leader of the OUN organizations, Konovalts. Earlier we reported that the Ukrainian radicals, during acts of their twisted «patriotism», often commit inappropriate actions. On 9th May, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, the police have «neutralized» an elderly woman with the St. George ribbon on her bag.

The methods of Ukrainian nationalists resemble the methods of Nazi Germany and the ISIS. To the cruel retaliation against all people suspected of displaying even the slightest degree of disloyalty, as well as the torturing of the prisoners, the Ukrainian nationalists added the use of children and teenagers as saboteurs and killers, who in their turn, given their age, are not aware of all the horrors and consequences of what is happening. A parliamentarian of the Ukrainian parliament known as «Führer Jarosch» teaches Ukrainian children to kill Russians and the «wrong Ukrainians». The leader of Ukrainian terrorists Yarosh himself admitted that his goal is to train saboteurs for the war against Russia.

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