Breaking News, 22nd of August, 2018


Employees of the FSB, Russian police and the Russian Guards detained a group of people suspected of organizing a terrorist cell in the city Norilsk, Interfax reported while citing a statement from the press service of the FSB department for the Krasnoyarsk Territory. «The members of the group recruited the residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to participate in the armed conflicts on the side of the ISIS, and publicly called for the terrorist activities» — the report explained. During the conducted searching — various communication devices, extremist books, and bank cards for sending money to the international terrorist organization were found.

The official representative of the UN Secretary General, Stefan Dujarrik, denied the existence of a secret directive that prohibits the UN from participating in the restoration of the economy of Syria. According to him, neither the political department nor other departments of the UN issued «any such secret directives» — TASS reports. Stefan Dujarrik stated that the UN have standards for the providing of assistance, which, according to him, is being distributed «on the basis of an equal and unbiased approach.» Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, said that the UN structures were forbidden to help Syria rebuild their economy.

The Taliban movement released 29 workers of a private construction company, located in the Afghan province of Kandahar, on the occasion of the holiday of Kurban Bairam, RIA NEWS reports with a reference to Xinhua News Agency. The prisoners were kidnapped by the terrorists in mid-June this year. They were released in accordance with the resolution of the terrorist leaders in the Shorabak region. It was reported that local authorities helped the freed workers to reunite with their families.

The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, announced that Kiev would never agree to Russian proposal of peace in the Donbass, RIA NEWS reported. «The key to the peace exists not in Kiev, not in Washington and not in Brussels. The key to peace is in the Kremlin, and if someone wants to push Russian enslaving conditions upon us — I want to reply that this is absolutely unacceptable not only for the president, but also for the entire Ukrainian nation, because this is not a way of peace» — Petro Poroshenko announced on Wednesday at a forum of the veterans held in the Ukrainian capital.

A letter from the director of the FBI, Christopher Rey, addressed to the Florida state authorities, states that the US federal authorities did not find any evidence suggesting that the Russian hackers tried to break into the computer network of electoral structure in Florida. «Although we did not find any new, or ongoing attempts of breaking into the state infrastructure of Florida — the Russian government previously demonstrated both the intentions and the possibilities of carrying out malicious cyber attacks» — the Associated Press quotes the letter. Earlier, Democratic senator from Florida, Bill Nelson, accused Russian hackers in the hacking of the state registration system right before the November congressional elections.

Only a third of Americans support the American policy of sanctions against Russia. The majority of US residents spoke out for diplomacy and normalization of the relations with Moscow — according to the data collected by the Gallup poll. As it was reported by «RIA NEWS» — 58% of the respondents considered the improvement of relations between the US and Russia to be important. 36% of respondents spoke in favor for the diplomatic and economic pressure on Moscow. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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