Breaking news, December 8th, 2017


The Chief of Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Colonel-General Sergei Rudskoy said that the engineers of the International Antimine Action Center of the Armed Forces of Russia completed the demining of residential areas of the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor. The training of engineers among the Syrian military is in process.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavel Klimkin, noted the massive outflow of the Hungarian national minority from the Transcarpathian region. The Hungarian authorities, in turn, drew the attention of the OSCE to the difficult conditions of 150,000 Hungarians in the Ukrainian Transcarpathian region, where anti-Hungarian demonstrations took place. As confirmed by Klimkin, at these rallies «there were desecrations of national symbols and anti-Hungarian slogans were chanted».

According to the decree signed by Prime Minister Medvedev, next year Russia will reduce the use of foreign labor by 20%. According to the Ministry of Labor, the reduction of quotas for foreign labor should also reduce competition in the labor market and help the Russians obtain the desired job.

Today in New York the UN Security Council will discuss the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by US President Donald Tramp. Among the initiators of the emergency meeting are the permanent members of the Security Council: the UK and France. The decision of the American leader caused a storm of protests not only in the Middle East, but throughout the world. The representatives of countries as far from Israel as Indonesia, Australia, Bolivia or China made a condemnation of Trump’s actions.

The United States is seeking a diplomatic settlement of the issue of Russia’s breach of treaty provisions, but the United States is also exploring possible military solutions to the development of a system of medium-range land-based missiles, «Mr. Shannon said. Let’s recall that Lavrov has repeatedly underscored that Russia complied with the provisions of this treaty.

Mass rallies are held against the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel throughout Turkey. Protests are held in Ankara, Bursa, Konya, Manisa, Urfa, Istanbul, Eskişehir and other cities. On Friday, more than a thousand people gathered near the US Consulate General in Istanbul. Enhanced security measures have been adopted in Consulate. Protesters have banners with slogans: «the Turkish youth supports the Palestinians» and «Jerusalem is a sacred place for Muslims». The police do not hinder the demonstrators, but only ensures the protection of order.

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