Chemical weaponry provocation in Serakib


1 Syria

Igor Konashenkov, the spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Defense, stated that the Turkish observation posts in the Idlib de-escalation zone, in Syria, were located in the fortified areas of the terrorist groups. «The fortified areas of the terrorists merged with the Turkish observers, deployed by an agreement» — Igor Konashenkov explained. He also pointed out that Turkey sent troops to Idlib in violation of the international law. The US and the EU called the public threats to destroy all the Syrian government forces, and return the ‘M5’ highway back to the terrorist control to be «Ankara’s legal right on defense»

2 Syria

The Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria reported that the terrorists tried to blow up containers with toxic substances in the Syrian city of Serakib. Due to their lack of experience and the skills in handling of the toxic substances — the terrorists damaged one of the containers and the toxins leaked out. «As a result of the incident, the terrorists received severe chemical poisoning. They failed to use the containers in their provocation» — the Center reports. It was also reported that «solid evidence of the failed provocation with a use of chemical weapons» was obtained on 3rd of March, during the counter-attack of the Syrian army against the terrorists of «Hayat Tahrir al-Sham,» in the east of the Idlib de-escalation zone. The data will be published soon. Earlier, the Center reported that the Russian military police was sent to Serakib. On 3rd of March they conducted their first patrol.

3 Turkey

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Turkey expects to establish a ceasefire in the Syrian province of Idlib shortly after the negotiations between the presidents of Turkey and Russia, Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin. Erdogan confirmed that he sent a request to the US President Donald Trump, asking to provide Ankara with ammo for a military operation in the Syrian province of Idlib. The fact that Washington is ready to provide the ammunition to Ankara was announced by the US Special Representative for Syria, James Jeffrey.

4 Syria

On Wednesday, the Turkish Ministry of National Defense reported that 2 Turkish servicemen were killed, and 6 were injured in the Syrian province of Idlib. “As a result of the shelling of our military positions by the regime in the area of the operation ‘Spring Shield’ — 2 of our servicemen were killed, 6 were injured” — the communiqué of the Turkish Ministry of Defense stated.

5 Afghanistan

The ‘1TV’ reported that 24 Afghan security servicemen died fighting the Taliban. 6 soldiers died and 7 were injured during the last night, during a fight with the Taliban in the city of Tarinkot, in the administrative center of the province of Uruzgan, in the central Afghanistan. 18 security servicemen died at night in the Kunduz province as a result of an attack on the checkpoints. It was also reported that on Wednesday morning, in the Imam Sahib district, in the north of the province, near the border with Tajikistan, 10 soldiers were abducted. On Monday, a Taliban spokesman told to the ‘France-Presse’ that the period of the «reduced violence» has ended, and the military operations against the Afghan government forces are resumed.

6. Afghanistan

The representative of the American forces in Afghanistan, Colonel Sonny Leggett stated that the US air force attacked the Taliban in the Afghan province of Helmand, on Wednesday. It was the first attack in 11 days. It was reported that the airstrike was launched for the defensive purposes against the Taliban that attacked the Afghan Forces checkpoint. “The air-strike was carried out for the defensive purposes in order to stop the attack” — the colonel Twitted. He also called on the Taliban to stop their senseless attacks, and fulfill their obligations. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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