Nagorno-Karabakh. The shelling.


1 Nagorno-Karabakh

The press secretary of the Armenian Defense Ministry Shushan Stepanyan reported that on Tuesday night, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh was «tense, but relatively stable». «On the morning of 13th of October the enemy resumed hostilities with the active use of rocket and artillery fire at the southern, northern, north-eastern and eastern parts of the frontline. The enemy was especially active in the north-eastern part of the frontline. The Defense Army is taking adequate measures at the entire frontline in order to suppress the enemy fire, and disrupt their plans, while keeping the operational-tactical situation under the control» — the ‘Armenpress’ news agency quoted Shushan Stepanyan.

2 Nagorno-Karabakh

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported that the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh remains tense. «On the night of October 12th to 13th, the general situation on the Agdera-Agdam and Fizuli-Hadrut sectors of the frontline remained tense» — the message stated. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry added that small groups of Armenian troops tried to «attack the positions of the Azerbaijani army in some areas». The ministry announced the destruction of a large number of enemy military equipment, including 3 ‘BM-21 Grad’ MLRS, 1 ‘Tor-M2KM’ AA missile system, 1 ‘Shilka’ self-propelled AA system, and 3 drones. «The Azerbaijani army follows the humanitarian ceasefire, and keeps the operational advantage at the entire frontline» — the Defense Ministry concluded.

3 Nagorno-Karabakh

The press secretary of the Armenian Defense Ministry, Shushan Stepanyan, stated that the information about the shelling of several regions of Azerbaijan is fake. «Armenia supports the humanitarian ceasefire» — the ‘Armenpress’ news agency quoted her words. Stepanyan underlined that the Defense Army of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic «only stops the offensive operations of Azerbaijan, which violates the humanitarian ceasefire». Earlier the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reported about the shelling of the territory of Goranboy, Terter, Agdam and Agjabedi regions from the Armenian side.

4 India-China

«The Daily Pioneer» newspaper reported that India and China won’t send more troops to the line of de-facto control in Ladakh, and instead — they will continue the negotiations to normalize the situation on the border. «Despite the achieved results — the Indian and Chinese representatives failed to remove the obstacles that prevent the mutual withdrawal of troops from Ladakh. India rejected the Chinese demand to withdraw their troops from Lake Pangong Tso, and stated that the Chinese army must take such step first. The parties decided to continue the negotiations on the further de-escalation of tension in Ladakh» — the newspaper quoted their source. On Monday, the 7th round of Indian-Chinese consultations was held with the participation of the military and diplomatic representatives of India and China. The negotiations lasted until late night.

5 China — the USA

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian stated that China expressed a strong protest to the USA because the US State Department approved a yet another arms deal to Taiwan. According to the diplomat, the US actions interfere in the internal affairs of China, and violate the Chinese sovereignty. The diplomat called on the USA to abide by the provisions of the 3 joint Chinese-American communiqués and the «One China» principle. And also to immediately suspend the supply of arms to Taiwan. Earlier the ‘Reuters’ reported that the Washington administration had notified the US Congress of their intention to supply Taiwan with 3 batches of modern weaponry. It was reported that the permission to carry out the deliveries, which is issued by the US State Department under the national law, has been obtained.

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