New round of talks with Taliban


The Al-Hadath TV reported that the opposition groups attacked Syrian army posts in the city of Deraa. It was reported that while repelling the terrorist attack, 8 Syrian servicemen and 2 locals were killed. Several servicemen were captured. 3 terrorists were killed as well. The clash took place in the area of Deraa Al-Balad, which is now surrounded by the government forces. The terrorists shelled the nearby neighborhoods. The Syrian news agency ’SANA’ reported that 1 shell hit the ’Al-Watani’ hospital, causing material damage. There were no reports about casualties.

The ’Ariana News’ TV reported that on Thursday night, the Taliban attacked a checkpoint in the Nangarhar province, east of Afghanistan. The attack killed at least 8 Afghan servicemen. 3 soldiers were injured. During the clash, 5 terrorists were killed. No other details were reported.

The TOLOnews TV reported that a new round of negotiations on a peaceful settlement of the situation in Afghanistan between the government in Kabul and the Taliban representatives may take place in early August. The TOLOnews quoted a source stating that within the framework of the dialogue, it is planned to discuss the basic principles for conducting the peace negotiations between the parties, since the complete pulling of the US forces from Afghanistan can be completed by the end of August. During the previous round of negotiations, which took place in Doha, the parties couldn’t agree on a common solution for a peaceful settlement, and agreed to continue the negotiations later.

The Armenian Defense Ministry reported on the clashes on Wednesday night in the north-eastern part of the border with Azerbaijan. It was reported that Azerbaijani troops opened fire on Armenian positions, as a result of which 3 Armenian servicemen were killed and 2 were wounded. The press service of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported that the Azerbaijani troops continue to take retaliatory measures in order to suppress the provocations, started by the Armenian forces on the night of July 28th, in the direction of the Kelbajar region. 2 Azerbaijani servicemen were wounded as the result. Later, Azerbaijan accepted the Russian proposal for a ceasefire with Armenia starting from 10:00, local time. The Armenian Foreign Ministry confirmed the ceasefire agreement on the border with Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported about a shelling of positions of the Azerbaijani troops from the territory of Armenia. It was stated that Armenia grossly violated the ceasefire agreement, and fired from machine guns and grenade launchers at the positions of the Azerbaijani army in the Kelbajar region, near the border. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry stated that the Azerbaijani troops are observing the ceasefire in the Kelbajar section of the border with Armenia. The Armenian Defense Ministry stated that the Azerbaijani troops violated the ceasefire agreement and opened fire on the Armenian positions on the border section of Gegharkunik region. An Armenian soldier was reportedly wounded as a result of the shelling.

Anti-governmental actions took place in Tunisia in several cities — the local mass media reported. The protesters demanded the dissolution of the parliament, a change in the political regime, and a change in the epidemiological and socio-economic situation in the country. The Tunisian President, Kais Said, announced the suspension of the parliamentary activities, lifted the immunity of all MPs, and dismissed the prime minister. After that, troops were sent to the capital of the country. In some cities, the supporters of the president have smashed the offices of the An-Nahda party, whose leader is the speaker of parliament.

Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS

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