Quarantine in the UK / Attack on Hmeimim


1. Syria

The Syrian state-run news agency SANA reported that on Monday the Syrian air defenses shot down a UAV near the air base ‘Khmeimim’ where parts of the Russian air force are located. There are no reports about the injuries or damage.

2 Syria

The Turkish army colonel, Ukay Sagyr Oglu, told to the representatives of the Russian military police that the joint patrol route on the M-4 section of the Idlib de-escalation zone in Syria will be increased. On 23rd of March the second joint Russian-Turkish patrol took place on the M-4 highway, which links the cities of Aleppo and Latakia. The Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria reported that Turkey promised, in the near future, to neutralize the extremist groups that interfere with the patrolling of the M-4 highway, in Idlib.

3 Italy

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the 12th, 13th and 14th IL-76 cargo aircraft of the Russian Air Force have arrived at the Italian air base, «Pratica di Mare». It was reported that they delivered medical equipment to make diagnoses and to perform disinfection measures. It was noted that the aircraft took off from the Chkalovsky airport in the Moscow region. Earlier the Russian ministry reported that 9 cargo planes will deliver the specialists and the equipment of the military department to Italy. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian military virologists and epidemiologists, who arrived in Italy to fight the new coronavirus, will work in the city of Bergamo, in the Lombardy region.

4 the UK

On Monday night, the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a quarantine in the UK, on-air of the BBC. He specified that people would be allowed to leave their homes only for a very limited number of reasons. The residents will be able to go to the stores for the most necessary goods, but this should be done as rarely as possible. It is forbidden to gather in groups of more than two people, unless those people live together. The quarantine will last for 3 weeks. After that — the UK government will assess the situation, and possibly ease the restrictions if the data is positive. The quarantine will be monitored by the police. In the near future, a law should be adopted in the UK that will give the police additional powers. The law would provide penalties for violations of the quarantine. The authorities ordered an immediate closure of all stores that do not sell essential goods.

5 Afghanistan.

The US State Department press service announced that Washington is cutting the financial aid for Afghanistan on 1 billion of dollars after the failed negotiations, aimed to create an «inclusive government». Earlier it was reported that the US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo suddenly arrived to Afghanistan. He discussed with the President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, the development of the peace process in Afghanistan, as well as the new steps in that direction. As the ‘Pajhwok’ news agency noted — the new approaches to end the military conflict in Afghanistan have not been disclosed. On his way back Michael Pompeo plans to visit Qatar where on Monday he has a meeting with the Taliban in Doha — he will discuss the exchange of PoWs between the Taliban and the Afghan government.

6. Japan

The NHK reported that on Tuesday the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, during a telephone conversation with the president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, proposed to postpone the Tokyo Olympics for one year. According to the NHK — the governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, and the chairman of the ‘Tokyo 2020’ organizing committee, Yoshiro Mori, also participated in the conversation. After the negotiations with the Japanese side — the International Olympic Committee will hold an extraordinary meeting of the executive committee, over the phone, to discuss the delay of the Tokyo Olympics due to the coronavirus pandemic. On 22nd of March the IOC announced that it would make the decision on the Games in 4 weeks. The sources of the ‘Reuters’ reported that the parties will not wait for the stated deadline. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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