Russian Air Force attacked the terrorists in Idlib


1 Syria

The Center for the Reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria announced that the SU-24 bombers of the Russian Air Force attacked the terrorists in the Idlib de-escalation zone by a request of the Syrian high command. The air attack was carried out in order to prevent the terrorists from moving deeper into the Syrian territory. “It allowed the Syrian forces to successfully repel all the attacks” — the Center explained. Yesterday the terrorists launched several massive attacks, supported by a large number of armored vehicles, on the units of the Syrian army in the direction of Kminas — Nairab. Due to the fire support of the Turkish artillery — the terrorists were able to break through the defense lines of the Syrian army.

2 Syria

The ‘Al Hadath’ TV reported that the Syrian government forces have repelled several terrorist attacks on the government-held positions on the Neyrab-Sarakib frontline. On Thursday the Syrian military, supported by the National Defense Forces, killed over 250 terrorists during the fighting near the city of Neyrab, in the province of Idlib. Dozens of armored vehicles of the terrorists were disabled as well. Earlier, the ‘Al Jazeera’ TV reported that the attacks of the so-called armed opposition were supported by the Turkish forces.

3 Saudi Arabia

Colonel Turki al-Maliki, the official representative of the Arabian coalition, led by Riyadh, announced that the Saudi Arabian air defense systems intercepted and destroyed ballistic missiles, launched in the direction of Saudi Arabia by the supporters of the rebel Yemeni movement ‘Ansar Allah’ from the territory of the capital of Yemen, the city of Sanaa. The announcement of Turki al-Maliki was broadcast by the Saudi news agency SAP. It was reported that the missiles were aimed at the civilian structures and population, which is a severe violation of the international law.

4 Afghanistan

The Afghan authorities and the Taliban have reached an agreement on a reduction of violence in Afghanistan. The agreement enters into force during the midnight from Friday to Saturday — the ‘TOLOnews’ TV reported while citing the National Security Council of Afghanistan. It was noted that the Taliban promised to stop their attacks on cities, highways, Afghan and US military bases. Earlier on Thursday, the Taliban announced that the final agreements will soon be reached with the US authorities on the reduction of the violence in Afghanistan. In the future it should make it possible to withdraw all foreign troops from the country.

5 Ukraine

During a protest in the village of Novye Sanzhary, the Ukrainian police detained 24 people that protested against the placement of the citizens, evacuated from China, in the local sanatorium. During the clashes with the protesters 10 policemen were injured — the head of the Ukrainian National Police, Igor Klimenko, reports. On Thursday, 73 people were evacuated from the city of Wuhan to the city of Kharkov. They were quarantined at the local sanatorium of the National Guard of Ukraine, which is located in the village of Novye Sanzhary, in the Poltava region. The sanatorium is located in the center of the village, 30 meters away from the residential buildings. The locals began to protest — they blocked the entrances to the health institution with cars and car tires. The rally turned into clashes with the police for several times. According to the ‘NewsOne’ TV — on Friday morning the situation around the sanatorium was calm — the nearby area is under the police protection. The Ukrainian police intensified the patrols in the region.

6 Ukraine

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Vadim Pristayko, during an interview to the ‘Voice of America’ radio station said that Kiev is working on a new version of the Minsk agreements, since some provisions of the Minsk agreements, aimed to resolve the conflict in Donbass, can’t be implemented, and so they must be changed. The republics of Donbass strongly opposed this approach of Kiev. The Russian president Vladimir Putin stated that a revision of the Minsk agreements could put the settlement of the conflict in the eastern Ukraine into a standstill. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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