Russian SU-35s in Egypt || Breaking News, 18th of March, 2019


Russia made a deal with Egypt on the supply of several dozens of SU-35 heavy multi-role fighters — ‘Interfax’ reports while citing the newspaper »Kommersant». «The contract on the supply of more than 2 dozens of aircraft, and their weaponry, is worth about $2 billions of dollars. It entered into force at the end of 2018. The delivery will begin in 2020-2021. The interlocutors from the ‘Kommersant’ refused to disclose the exact price of the deal. They noted however that the contract itself «guarantees the workload for the manufacturer of the SU planes — namely the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Factory — for several years ahead» — the publication concluded.

On Monday, the command and staff exercises ‘NATO-GEO EXERCISE 2019’ will start in Georgia. The military personnel from 24 NATO member countries and the partners of NATO will participate in the exercises — Interfax reports. The exercises will take place in the Joint Training and Evaluation Center of NATO, and they will last until 29th of March. The Georgian Defense Ministry noted that the goal of the exercises is to increase the inter-operability of the armed forces of the NATO countries and the partners of NATO. According to the ministry, more than 350 foreign servicemen will take part in the exercises.

In response to the joint statement of the United States, France, Germany and the UK — the Syrian Foreign Ministry announced that no-one invited those countries to participate in the reconstruction of Syria in the first place since they committed, as a coalition, war crimes against the Syrians — RIA NEWS reports. On 15th of March, the United States, France, Germany and the UK, in their joint statement, made due to the eighth year of the conflict in Syria, announced that they won’t help to rebuild Syria until a «real political settlement» begins there. The Syrian Foreign Ministry called that statement «A historical evidence of the lie, hypocrisy, deception, and falsification.» “Those countries, that kept killing and destroying, were never interested in the reconstruction. Nobody invited them to participate in it. They only must compensate the deaths and destruction that they committed as a result of their terrible crimes. They must stop their gross interference in the internal affairs” — the Syrian Foreign Ministry replied.

At least 1 Indian soldier died, 3 more were wounded as a result of a violation of the ceasefire by the Pakistani troops — namely their shelling of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in northern India, TASS reports with a reference to the Hindustan Times. According to the Hindustan Times — on Monday, the Pakistani army shelled the sector of Sunderbani, in Rajauri district, with small arms and mortars. The Indian army returned fire. The shoot-out lasted for about two hours. The Pakistani military also shelled the Indian territory during the Sunday.

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