Strike at Saudi Arabia


The Yemeni rebel movement ’Ansar Allah’ announced an attack on Saudi Arabia. A spokesman for the movement, Yahya Saria, stated that a Saudi air base near the village of Khamis Mushait in the province of Asir was attacked — the ’Al Masirah’ TV quoted his words. According to him, the «precise» strike was delivered with the help of a UAV. This was a response to the actions of the kingdom against Yemen. No details on the possible injuries or damage haven’t been reported yet.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry stated that on 1st of June, at 20:00, 40 Armenian servicemen entered the territory of Azerbaijan, and tried to gain a foothold in the Kelbajar region. «As a result of the actions of the Azerbaijani army, the Armenian military were expelled from the territory of the country» — the ministry reported. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry stated that «no weapons were used during the expulsion of the Armenian servicemen». The ministry called the incident «an another provocation», and blamed Armenia. The Armenian Defense Ministry stated that the message from the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry was a fake news, made «to impress the international community».

Kyrgyzstan accused Tajikistan of violating the agreements on the state border. The press service of the government of Kyrgyzstan reported that on the night of 4th of June, some Tajik servicemen «entered Kyrgyzstan for a 1,000 meters, and set up a container on an undescribed section of the state border». It was reported that the Kyrgyz Border Guard servicemen, stationed on the border with Tajikistan, were put on a high alert due to the tense situation. Tajikistan has denied the statement of Kyrgyzstan. The press center of the Border Troops of the State Committee for the National Security of Tajikistan announced that the border troops of Tajikistan are guarding the border with Kyrgyzstan in accordance with the agreements. They didn’t violate the agreements, reached during the work of the inter-governmental commission.

Air defense training took place in Syria. During the training, the government forces reportedly shot down 1 UAV with an S-75 ’Dvina’ AA missile system. The missile hit right on target — the UAV’s radar signature disappeared from the radar screen of the AA system. The Syrian military noted that 10 minutes passed from the moment when the target was detected until the missile was fired, and no more than 30 seconds from the moment of launch. They added that the Soviet ’S-75’ AA missile system is still effective. The air defense exercises also involved the ’Buk-M2E’ AA missile systems, and ’ZU-23’ flak AA guns.

The Pentagon’s deputy director of the hypersonic research and development, Michael White, stated that the USA intend to accelerate the deployment of hypersonic weapons. The draft military budget for the fiscal year of 2022, which begins on 1st of October, 2021, meets such goals. It was noted that the Pentagon gives the priority to the development of air-launched cruise missiles. Michael White specified that such weapons, due to their size, are more compatible with other hypersonic platforms. Currently the Pentagon is busy with offensive and defensive systems.

The Russian Minister of Finances, Anton Siluanov, announced that within a month Russia will completely abandon the US dollar in the structure of the National Wealth Fund. Russia will also reduce the share of the British pound. He explained that the decision was made “to get rid of the dollar assets completely, and replace the investments in dollars with an increase in euros and in gold”. The share of the yuan will increase as well. The share of the Japanese yen won’t change. Due to such statements, the dollar rate went down during the recent trading on the Moscow Exchange, and the ruble is growing. Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS

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