The inauguration of Joe Biden


1 The USA

The inauguration of the US President-elect Joe Biden takes place on Wednesday noon, on the steps of the Capitol. Increased security measures were taken on the eve of the ceremony. Most of the downtown Washington, near the White House and Congress, is off-limits to road traffic. Unprecedented security measures were taken due to the fears of possible unrest that could be caused by the Donald Trump supporters. Donald Trump refused to welcome the new head of the American administration to the White House. Donald Trump is expected to travel first to the Andrews military base near Washington, and then depart for his Florida estate.

2 The USA

The website of Joe Biden’s team stated that the US President-elect Joe Biden intends to sign a number of decrees on the first day, including canceling the decision to pull the USA from the World Health Organization, and to return to the Paris Climate Agreement. It was noted that Joe Biden «will take measures not only to reduce the serious damage from the Donald Trump administration, but also to move the USA forward».

3 Armenia

The Armenian Foreign Minister Ara Ayvazyan stated during a meeting with the ambassadors of the Minsk Group countries, Sergei Kopyrkin from Russia, Jonathan Lakot from France, and Lynn Tracy from the USA, that ’’Armenia considers it important to resume the peace process, aimed to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group’’ — the press service of the Armenian Foreign Ministry stated. «The agenda of the meeting included the issues, related to the post-war situation, regional security, and peace in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. The need to resume the peace process within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs was underlined. Minister Ara Ayvazyan reminded about the right of the people of Artsakh for the self-determination and security» — the Armenian ministry stated. «While presenting the data on the observance of the ceasefire and the implementation of the agreement from 9th of November on the deployment of peacekeepers in Artsakh — Ara Ayvazyan underlined the priority of a comprehensive solution of the humanitarian issues. In particular — the return of PoWs, hostages, and other detainees» — the Armenian ministry concluded.

4 Iran — the USA

The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stated that Iran can return to the nuclear deal if the US President-elect Joe Biden returns to the deal as well. Earlier the candidate for the post of the US secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, stated that Joe Biden will insist on a long-term deal with Iran on the Iranian nuclear program based on the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan. And also — on the solutions of the Iranian missile problem. In his words — Joe Biden is committed to ’’prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons.»

5 Libya

The news website ’’Afrigatenews’’ reported that a huge explosion took place inside an ammo depot at the High Naval Academy in Janzur, west of the Libyan capital. After the explosion, a fire broke out, engulfing part of the campus. The Libyan Ministry of Health reported that at least 5 people were killed, including Brigadier-General Ahmed Ayyub, the rector of the academy under the authority of the Government of National Accord, led by Faiz Sarraj. One of his deputies, Brigadier-General Salem Abu Salah, died as well. 5 people were injured.

6 The USA — Yemen

The USA included the Yemeni rebel movement ’Ansar Allah’ on the list of the terrorist organizations — the US Treasury Department’s website reported. The Department also published several general licenses in which the department excluded the activities of various international humanitarian organizations from the sanctions on Yemen. Humanitarian activities in Yemen can be carried out by the UN agencies, funds and programs, divisions of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Humanitarian organizations can be involved in democracy promotion, environmental protection, and education projects. The USA approved the export of agricultural products, medicines, and medical equipment to Yemen. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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