The Israeli Air Force attacked the vicinity of Damascus


On the night from 2nd to 3rd of September the Israeli Air Force planes attacked targets near Damascus. The attack came from the Lebanese airspace. The Syrian air defenses tried to repel the attack. No information about casualties and destruction has been reported yet. Israel often attacks the territory of Syria. The last time it happened was on the night of 20th of August when the Israeli aircraft attacked targets in the provinces of Homs and Damascus.

The Taliban are advancing in the Panjshir Gorge. The fighting is fierce. Both sides are using tanks. The attacks were carried out from 2 directions. From the west, the terrorists attacked the positions of the local resistance units in the area of the Khavak pass. The rebels held their positions. In the morning, the fighting continued. In the south, the Taliban were more successful. They managed to occupy the Shotol County and take a position at the entrance to the Panjshir Gorge. A T-55 tank of the local resistance forces was destroyed in that area.After the Taliban seized the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, the Panjshir Gorge remained the last region of the country not controlled by the radicals. A resistance force was formed in that region, consisting of the local militias and retreated military and security personnel. The formal leader of the rebels is the son of a famous field commander, Ahmad Shah Massoud Ahmad Masood.

A civilian plane was damaged and 8 people were injured in a drone attack on the airport of a southern Saudi city of Abha — the ’Al Arabiya TV’ reported while citing a statement from the Riyadh-led Arab coalition. The coalition stated that a drone with explosives was launched from Yemen by the ’Ansar Allah’ rebels. It was shot down near the airport by air defense systems. As a result of the interception, the fragments of the drone fell to the ground, which led to injuries and damage to the airliner on the takeoff field.

The EU foreign ministers have agreed on 5 conditions for a limited cooperation with the ’Taliban’ in Afghanistan. The contact with the new authorities will increase if the ’Taliban’ forms a government with other political forces in Afghanistan, and allow certain citizens to leave the country. They must also ensure the respect of the human rights, the rule of law, freedom of the press, provide humanitarian aid, and ensure that Afghanistan has no international terrorist groups anymore.»The EU calls for an international platform to coordinate contacts with the future government of Afghanistan, and to monitor the development of the situation in the region» — said the head of the EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell. He added that the platform will help solve issues related to the management of the migration flows, the fight against the terrorism, cross-border crime, and the drug trafficking.

The representatives of the US defense department stated that they won’t help, or provide any support, to the new «Northern Alliance» in the rebellious Afghan province of Panjshir in their fight against the ’Taliban’. The Pentagon press secretary, John Kirby, replied on a question about whether the US army will somehow support the Taliban opponents that «the US military operation in Afghanistan is over.»

The ’Ansar-Allah’ movement continues its offensive against Marib, which began at the end of August. Both sides of the conflict are suffering serious losses. The Hadis published a video that captured the moment of the attack on the positions of the Hadi’s troops. The offensive was repelled. During the fighting on the west of Marib, the Hadis used artillery. They were actively supported by the Saudi Arabian Air Force, which inflicted intense airstrikes. The ’Ansar-Allah’ also demonstrated their first successes in battles.They managed to advance and capture the regional center of Rahab, which was lost a month and a half ago due to the agreement of the local tribes, who let the Hadi’s troops into this territory since they promised to maintain neutrality. In the battles for the settlement, the rebels lost at least 12 people, including 1 field commander. The «Ansar-Allah» stated that over 2 days of battle to the west of Marib, the Hadists lost 20 servicemen, including officers. Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS

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