The Ministry of State Security of the DRP prevented a terrorist attack


The Ministry of State Security of the DRP prevented a terrorist attack on the road between the Ukrainian checkpoint Marinka and the DPR checkpoint Aleksandrovka — a spokesman of the DPR Ministry of State Security, Mikhail Popov, announced during a briefing in Donetsk. He underlined that such Ukrainian actions should be qualified as a terrorist act. During the briefing, the journalists were provided with a footage on which the agents of the DPR Ministry of State Security found several anti-personnel mines in the section of the road between the checkpoints.

On 22nd of June, at about 5 a.m., the Ukrainian troops used 120mm mortars and IFV weaponry to fire from the village of Maryinka at the village of Aleksandrovka and at the village near the ‘Trudovskaya mine’. The Ukrainian troops also fired at the villages of the ‘6/7 mine’ and the ‘Gagarin’s mine’ with 122-mm cannons, as well as 120mm and 82mm mortars. 1 woman was injured during the shelling of the village near ‘Trudovskaya mine’. She was taken to the central hospital of the city of Donetsk, where she received medical help.

On 24th of June, a military parade of the troops of the Donetsk garrison was held on the main square of the DPR capital. It was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The parade was attended by over 1,500 servicemen from the DPR People’s Militia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Emergencies — with their military equipment. The military parade was attended by the representatives of the military-patriotic movement «Yun-armia — Young Guard», and some participants of the People’s squads.

The Ukrainian Army continues to attack the civil infrastructure and civilians. The Ukrainian troops opened fire on the residential areas of the village of Aleksandrovka — they fired 25 grenades from automatic grenade launchers. As a result of the Ukrainian aggression and a violation of the humanitarian law — a local resident, born in 1975, was mortally wounded during the shelling of the village.

The Ukrainian Army uses EW equipment to interfere in the activity of the drones, used by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission near the village of Zolotoe — the official representative of the LPR People’s Militia, Yakov Osadchy, reports. He explained that the Ukrainian troops interfere in the work of the drones used by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in order to hide the Ukrainian military equipment, stationed at the contact line in violation of the Minsk agreements.

«The situation with the settlement of the internal Ukrainian conflict is almost at a dead-end, despite the efforts of Moscow to establish a direct dialogue between Kiev and the people’s republics of Donbass» — said the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Alexander Grushko. He noted that as a result of the conflict in the eastern Ukraine — 3,500 civilians were killed. About 30,000 people were injured. “Hundreds of people are missing, and hundreds of thousands became internally displaced persons” — he explained. In this regard Alexander Grushko insists that the OSCE should use their abilities more efficiently in order to resolve the situation in Donbass and to help to prepare the report on the civilian casualties in this region since the year of 2014. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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