The news brief, 24 of May 2017


The Ukrainian fighters have opened fire on the bus station “Trudovskie” in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk again. They used mortars, grenade launchers and small arms. 3 civilians were wounded. 45 Arabic mercenaries arrived in Stanitsa Luganskaya. Ukrainian fighters, 2 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and 2 lorries were detected near the hospital in Stanitsa Luganskaya, Andrey Marochko reported today.The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled 14 localities in the Donetsk People’s Republic. They used mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, grenade launchers and small arms. 4 houses were damaged in the villages Alexandrovka in the west of Donetsk, Golmovsky in the north of Gorlovka and Krutaya Balka near Yasinovataya. Ukrainian fighters mined the road to the Donetsk filtering station. But the working day began in time. Workers went around the roadside, but it isn’t safe for them. The question of the mine clearing will be discussed as soon as possible, the representative of the enterprise “The water of Donbass” reported today. Kiev fighters opened fire on the positions of the LPR People’s Militia in the localities Frunze and Kalinovo from mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, antiaircraft guns, grenade launchers and small arms; it has been reported by the Ministry of Defense.

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