The number of shelling of the DPR by the Ukrainian forces has increased


“On 22nd of January, the intensity of the shelling, done by the Ukrainian troops, exceeded the daily average level of the shelling from the first half of January by 6 times” — said Ruslan Yakubov, the head of the DPR’s representative office in the Joint Center for the Monitoring and Coordination of the Ceasefire. The most intense military situation takes place in the vicinity of the city of Donetsk, and on the southern border of the DPR. On the morning of 21st of January, 44 mortar shells were fired in less than an hour at the village of Kominternovo.

On Monday, 20th of January, in the city of Donetsk, the deputy commander of the special forces of the Interior Ministry of the DPR, Aleksey Krivulya, callsign ‘Green’, was killed — the RIA NEWS reports with a reference to the deputy of the People’s Council of the DPR, Vladislav Berdichevsky. No other details were given so far. The information about the death of Alexei Krivuli was confirmed by the Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR, Daniil Bezsonov.

The head of the administration of the city of Gorlovka, Ivan Prikhodko, expressed his condolences to the family and the friends of a soldier of the DPR People’s Militia who recently died as a result of a shelling at the north of Gorlovka. The tragedy took place in the morning. During the shelling, Corporal Nikita Fokin was at his combat position near the village of Dolomitnoye. At 06:10, a group of snipers, under the cover of machine gunners, opened fire at the positions of the People’s Militia. The deceased was 20 years old.

During this week, the village of Staromikhailovka, located to the west from the city of Donetsk, was under fire from the Ukrainian troops. «The village was shelled with mortars and weaponry of armored vehicles» — the DPR representative in the Joint Center for the Monitoring and Coordination of the Ceasefire reported. Two houses were damaged.

«The Ukrainian troops placed more than 200 anti-tank mines near the front-line village of Pishchevik, to the north of the city of Mariupol» — the DPR People’s Militia Department reported. The Ukrainian troops also deployed 5 armored vehicles — IFVs, tracked tractors, and APCs — near the residential buildings in the village of Gnutovo. 2 additional Ukrainian APCs are located in the village of Pionerskoye, to the east of the city of Mariupol.

Ukraine plans to enhance the activities of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in the country — Kiev turned to the organization with such proposal. “We made a formal proposal to not only extend the activities of the mission — but also add human potential and funding in order to make this mission more effective in comparison to the previous years” — said the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Vadim Priestayko, during a joint briefing with the OSCE Head, Edi Rami, in Kiev. The mandate of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine expires on 31st of March. The organization has been operating in the country since March of 2014. The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Russia has always supported, and continues to support the OSCE mission in Ukraine. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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