The partial mobilization in Russia is completed


On 28th of October the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to Vladimir Putin on the completion of partial mobilization in Russia. Sergei Shoigu underlined that no other mobilization activities are planned. He noted that the established task to grow the ranks of the Russian army with 300,000 men was completed. Sergei Shoigu also reported on the completion of all other tasks. According to him — on 28th of October the dispatch of the mobilized men to their places of service was finished. The enlistment offices will continue to recruit volunteers and contractors for the participation in the Special Military Operation. «No other mobilization tasks are planned» — the TASS quoted his words. He added that the average age of the men, called for the partial mobilization, was 35 years old. A spokesman from the emergency services of the Kherson region told to the RIA NEWS that the Ukrainian forces fired 19 HIMARS and Olha rockets at the village of Novaya Kakhovka. «Ukraine continues to attack the civilian infrastructure of Novaya Kakhovka. At 11:20, an attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station took place. They fired 19 HIMARS and Olha missiles. Some of the incoming missiles were intercepted by our anti-air forces. Unfortunately, 3 missiles did hit the hydro power plant. The information about the victims is being specified» — the source of the RIA NEWS reported. The head of the city administration, Vladimir Leontiev, stated that there was no critical damage. The hydro station continues to operate as usual. Russia has called on the UN to prevent the destruction of the hydroelectric station since that would lead to the death of thousands of people. «During the shelling in the Kherson region, 23 Chechen fighters were killed, 58 were wounded, 4 of them have serious injuries, but nothing threatens their lives» — the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, reported on his Telegram channel. He added that it happened at the start of the week, and all the rescue work has been completed. «The funeral rites in these days take place not only in your homes, but in the entire Chechen Republic. We all mourn deeply with you» — he wrote in his address to the relatives of the victims. Kadyrov said that on that day the losses were heavy. He promised that the authorities will provide an aid to the families of the victims. Earlier Kadyrov stated that Russia is weakly responding to the shelling of its territory. He believes that in a response, entire cities should be destroyed so that «they understand that they can’t even think of shooting at our direction» — end of quote. The head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, stated on-air of the «Russia 24» TV that the Russian forces are making progress across the entire front in the DPR — the RIA NEWS reported. «The advance is now about 50-100 meters. Streets and houses are being liberated. Positions and forest strips are being taken. The enemy is being pushed out» — he stated and explained that this information concerns the Maryinsky, Avdeevsky, Artemovsky, Gorlovsky, and Ugledarsky directions. He added that recently the Ukrainian forces organized an offensive in the Krasnolimansky direction. «Recently there was an attempt by an enemy group to reach the settlement of Chervonopopovka. They were stopped» — Pushilin reported. Vladimir Zelensky proposed to extend the ’’Crimean Platform’’ format, organized by Kiev, to Abkhazia, Transnistria, and the Russian Kuril Islands. He explained that he considers Transnistria, Abkhazia, and the Russian southern Kuril Islands to be territories, enslaved by Russia. Earlier, a member of the House of Councilors and the head of the Japanese ’’Renaissance party’’, Muneo Suzuki, was critical about Vladimir Zelensky’s decision to declare Japanese sovereignty over the so-called «northern territories», or the Russian Kuril Islands. On 21st of March the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Russia refuses to negotiate a peace treaty with Japan. The Russian authorities have repeatedly spoken about the indisputability of the Russian sovereignty over the Kuril islands. India welcomes the appointment of Rishi Sunak as the UK Prime Minister. His victory as an Indian man is recognized in India — the ’Dainik Jagran’ reported. India celebrates his achievement. Earlier, King Charles the 3rd officially appointed the leader of the ruling Conservative Party, Rishi Sunak, as the prime minister of the UK. He received a mandate to form a government. On 24th of October he won the fight for the post of the UK Prime Minister. The leader of the House of Commons, Penny Mordaunt, who was his rival, eventually left her candidacy. Rishi Sunak previously served as a treasury chancellor. Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS

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