The United States conducted a military operation in Idlib


Last night the US special forces carried out an operation in the village of Atmeh, in the province of Idlib. The village is located in the terrorist-controlled territory. The Americans landed several helicopters with troops, and blocked one of the local houses. Presumably their target was one of the leaders of the terrorist organization «Al-Qaeda». The operation lasted for about 2 hours. 12 people were killed, some were civilians.

Israel carried air-strikes at the north-east of Damascus — the «Al Hadath» TV reported. The airstrikes were aimed at targets near the city of al-Kuteif, in the Qalamun highlands. According to the eyewitnesses — at least 5 strong explosions took place. There were victims. The IDF press office declined to comment on questions about the air strikes near Damascus.

The Yemeni forces launched a missile attack on Saudi mercenary HQ in the Shabwa province — the SANA NEWS reported. A spokesman for the Yemeni military, Yahya Saria, stated that the missile «hit the target dead on» — there were casualties. He added that it was the 3rd missile strike in the last few days.

The LPR’s intelligence services reported that Ukraine plans to use aviation during the offensive operation in Donbass. Ukraine is currently practicing the offensive operations in urban areas. According to the LPR — Ukraine is going to send so-called militias to the contact line. The LPR stated that the formation of territorial defense units is nothing more than a covert mobilization, carried out by the Ukrainian leadership.

Moscow sees no point in calling of a new summit in the Normandy format until the agreements, reached during the Paris meeting in 2019, are implemented — the Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya stated. Russia is chairing the UN Security Council in February, and Russia expects to use this opportunity to draw the attention of the West to the need to implement the Minsk agreements.

Belarus can count on a strong support from Russia in formation of a single defense space within the borders of the Union State — the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated during a meeting with the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, in Minsk, on 3rd of February. The military personnel of both countries will hold more than 20 joint trainings in 2022, including the «Vostok-2022». The upcoming testing of the reaction forces, code named «Allied Resolve», was discussed as well. Large-scale training will start soon. Sergei Shoigu stated that the final part of the preparation is underway. The training will be carried out by an agreement of the supreme commanders of Russia and Belarus. Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS

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