Today’s special is about the latest shelling of Donbass, as well as about the Western opinion regarding the situation in Ukraine || Спецвыпуск 24.07.2022


This is a special program for the ANNA NEWS. I am Constantine Reztsov, and today’s special is about the latest shelling of Donbass, as well as about the Western opinion regarding the situation in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian forces fired 6 rockets ’M31 GMLRS’ from the US-made MLRS ’HIMARS’ at the LPR’s town of Stakhanov. As a result of the attack — 13 residential buildings, a kindergarten, and a college were damaged. The information about the damage and possible victims is being specified.

The aftermath of the attack was documented by the LPR’s representatives at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire, and the Russian Investigative Committee. The LPR’s Ministry of Emergency Situations and the local city services are clearing out the rubble.

The former US military intelligence officer, Scott Ritter, stated during a conversation with the owners of the Youtube channel ’Judging Freedom’ that despite all the efforts of the Western countries, Russia is ahead of all the moves made against Russia on all fronts — the military, the political and the economic front.

«Russia is winning on all the fronts. On the military front they win on the battlefield. On the political front — just take a look at the collapse of the political order in Europe and the on-going fall of the Biden administration in the USA. And on the economic front — Russia has changed the game as well. The sanctions are hurting the West by now» — the RIA NEWS quoted his words.

Scott Ritter believes that no pressure factor will be able to prevent Russia from expanding the actions on the 3 main areas of activity. Scott Ritter added that recently Russia had psychological and political victories thanks to the resignations of the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, and the Italian premier, Mario Draghi.

The Western attempts to send lots of weapons and equipment to Ukraine, as well as mercenaries, didn’t give the desired effect. Instead of victories of Ukraine — the USA have almost depleted their own internal stockpiles. The US presidential administration and the US political establishment have stated recently that nothing can help Ukraine to defeat Russia.

The ANNA NEWS is following the events. Stay tuned.

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