Trump was accused of interfering in the British elections


The UK opposition leader Jeremy Corbin announced that Donald Trump is trying to influence the outcome of the early British parliamentary elections on 12th of December. Allegedly his goal is the election of his friend, the leader of the conservatives, and the current UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson — Interfax reports. Jeremy Corbin also accused Donald Trump of wanting to give the US corporations an access the UK National Health Service. He underlined that in case of the victory in the election — the Laborites won’t allow it to happen. Earlier, Donald Trump announced on air of the London radio station »LBC» that, in his opinion, Boris Johnson — «is a very fitting guy for these times». He also expressed his support for the trade agreement between Washington and London, which should be concluded after the Brexit.

“Ukraine doesn’t intend to restore the destroyed infrastructure of the DPR and the LPR at its own expense, even if the republics return to Ukraine” — said the Ukrainian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Vladislav Krikliy. According to the minister, “it is plainly impossible”. «Ukraine will be ready to invest in the restoration of the region only if Russia pays the reparation» — Vladislav Kriklii announced on air of the »1+1» TV channel. According to him, the government plans to restore only the controlled part of the region, at the expense of investors.

The First Deputy Head of the Russian Government Office, Sergei Prikhodko, urged the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to take actions, needed to counter the threat of terrorism due to the return of the terrorists from Syria to the countries of the organizations. He noted that there is still a danger of terrorism and organized crime towards the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization from Afghanistan, in which, according to various sources, there are up to 10,000 of ISIS terrorists.

Mikhail Filiponenko, the head of the LPR representative office in the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire reported that the withdrawal of the troops on the contact line near the village of Zolotoy was completed — «Lugansk-inform-center» reports. «We are waiting for the information from the OSCE mission regarding the withdrawal of forces on the Ukrainian side» — Filiponenko added.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian military police went on the first joint patrol with the Turkish military at the northern border of Syria, as part of the implementation of the agreements, reached in Sochi on 22nd of October. A convoy of Russian and Turkish troops left Derbesia at Friday noon. The patrol route is 110 km long. The speed of the column is 40-60 km\h. The convoy consists of 5 Russian and 4 Turkish military vehicles. The Turkish newspaper »Yeni Safak» reported on Friday that Turkey deployed heavy military equipment on the border with Syria. It will participate in the joint patrols.

Reporters of ANNA NEWS report from Syria: The situation in the north of Syria remains intense. There is a presence of the US military. Our reporter, Sergei Shilov, reports the following details: “The situation in the north of Syria remains intense. Our filming crew arrived in Syria — we will cover the current events from here. There is information about an American military column that was spotted in the north of the country. The number of the US troops near Deir ez-Zor is growing. Last night, 18 Syrian soldiers, previously captured by the pro-Turkish forces, were released. I would like to note that the release of these captured soldiers took place with an assistance of the Russian military. We will keep you informed as the information becomes available”.

Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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