Venezuela rejected the ultimatum of Europe


Venezuelan authorities rejected the ultimatum from European countries. The head of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, Jorge Arreas, stressed that the Venezuelan leadership won’t tolerate such ultimatums. The leadership of Venezuela however does support the initiative of «all those who are trying to lead the Venezuelans to a dialogue and agreement.» Earlier, Germany, France, Spain and the UK announced that they are ready to recognize Juan Guaido as an interim president of Venezuela, if the elections won’t be announced during the next 8 days.

2 the United States — Venezuela

The employees of the US Embassy in Venezuela have left the country on the appointed time. The US State Department announced that the United States do not plan to close the American embassy in Venezuela. The parties agreed to organize negotiations on the establishment of a mission of interest in both capitals, as well as temporarily leave a part of the personnel in the embassies.

3 Russia — Canada — The USA

Five military aircraft of the US and Canadian Air Forces took off to escort two Russian Tu-160 bombers over the Arctic Ocean. «E-3 AWAKS, two F-22, two CF-18 identified 2 Russian strategic bombers Tu-160, when they entered the Canadian air defense identification zone on January 26» — NORAD reported. The Russian Defense Ministry announced that the two Tu-160s had successfully completed their planned 15-hours long flight above the neutral waters, during which they completed their fuel refueling training.

4 Canada — China

Canadian Ambassador to China, John McCallum, resigned by the request from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The dismissal of the ambassador occurred after his statement on the situation with the “Wanzhou case”. Last week, the diplomat said that the Huawei financial director has “strong enough positions” to avoid her extradition to the United States.

5 Philippines

Today, on Holo Island in the south of Philippines during the morning mass, a double terrorist attack took place. The first bomb exploded during Sunday Mass, the second — a little later, outside the church. Among the victims are the parishioners of the church itself, and the military servicemen that arrived on the site after the first explosion. According to the latest data — 27 people died. 77 were injured. No-one has taken the responsibility for the attack yet.

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