A missile attack on port in Latakia


1 Syria

On the night of 28th December, the Israeli Air Force attacked the port of Latakia from the sea side. The containers were hit, a fire broke out. No casualties were reported, but there was serious material damage — the SANA news reported. It was the 2nd Israeli air-strike on the port of Latakia in the past month. On the night of 7th of December the port was attacked from the air as well.

2 Syria

The Governor of Latakia, Amer Ismail Hilal, told to the SANA news agency that great efforts have been made by the fire fighters, civil defense officers, the Department of Agriculture and Transportation, and the technical services of the City Council. He noted that extinguishing of the fires was followed by pushing the containers away from the fire sources, in order to reduce the damage, and enable the fire fighters to control the fire. According to him, the fire brigades will remain in places to monitor the sources of fire, and to continue the cooling work until the fire is gone.

3 Afghanistan

The Taliban opened fire on protesters in Kabul, near the building of the former Ministry of Women’s Affairs — a protester told to the RIA news. The protesters went to the streets with demands for work, food, and freedom. «The Taliban opened fire to stop or suppress the protest» — the protestor told to the news agency. According to her — any photo and video filming at the process were prohibited. There is no data on the victims yet.

4 Morocco

Fighting took place on the Western Sahara — Morocco border. The forces of the «Polisario Front’’ attacked the positions of the Moroccan army. There is an information about losses. According to the unconfirmed reports, the positions of the Moroccans were subjected to artillery shelling. Detailed information on the border clashes isn’t available yet. According to the representatives of the «Polisario Front» — the Moroccan military suffered significant losses in servicemen and equipment. The conflict over the status of the Western Sahara has been going on since 1975, when Spain left its former colony and the armies of Morocco and Mauritania entered the territory.

5 Yemen

Battles continue around Marib. The ’’Ansar Allah’’ and the Hadis are suffering serious losses. Both sides can’t achieve decisive results. After capturing a part of the territory of the Balak mountains, the rebels from «Ansar-Allah» don’t have the numbers to push out the hostile Hadi forces from the nearby territories, and reach the nearby city. The rebels tried to launch night attacks, and even use their MI-35 attack helicopter. They failed. The advancing forces were stopped by heavy fire from the defending Khadi troops, as well as the artillery fire of the Khadi forces, and the Saudi Arabian Air Force. The battles for Marib started in 2020. The «Ansar-Allah» are trying to occupy the city to push out the khadi forces from the central part of Yemen. And to take control of the main oil and gas fields in the country.

6 Belarus

The Head of the Department of the International Military Cooperation of the Belarusian Ministry of Defense, and an assistant to the Belarusian Minister of Defense for International Military Cooperation, Oleg Voinov, stated that the military-political situation near the borders of Belarus is getting more tense and difficult to predict. «Due to the one-sided interpretation by the EU and NATO members of a number of their international obligations, the military-political situation at the borders of Belarus is getting more tense and difficult to predict» — the press service of the Ministry quoted his words. Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS.

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