Fights in the Afghan city of Kandahar


1 Afghanistan

Skirmishes are taking place on the central square of the city of Kandahar, in Afghanistan. The Taliban took over a regional hospital — the ’RIA NEWS’ reported. Earlier the Taliban captured the city of Gazni, the capital of the province of Gazni, in central Afghanistan.

2 Afghanistan

The Taliban are ready to join the Afghan transitional government, even though they haven’t received any proposals on this matter, the ’Al Jazeera’ TV reported while citing a representative of the Taliban office in Qatar, Suheil Shahin. The ’Al Jazeera’ also reported that the authorities are inviting the Taliban to participate in the governing of the country if they end the violence. In recent months, the confrontation between the government forces and the Taliban has escalated in Afghanistan, which takes place during the pulling of the US troops.

3 Afghanistan

The Leaders of the Taliban made their conditions. They won’t start the peace talks with the Afghan government as long as Ashraf Ghani remains the president of Afghanistan — the Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, stated. The Taliban offensive continues. The Taliban could potentially surround Kabul in a month.

4 Donbass

The people’s militia of the LPR returned fire on the positions of the Ukrainian troops in Donbass. According to the LPR reports — the shelling of the settlement of Nizhnee Lozovoe was conducted from that area. A militiaman was wounded during that shelling — the press service of the LPR people’s militia stated on Thursday.

5 Syria

The Americans illegally smuggled a convoy of tankers with stolen Syrian oil from Hasakah to Iraq via the Al-Waleed border crossing point. The ’SANA news’ reported that the local sources in Rmeilan reported that a convoy of 30 oil tankers and several trucks headed towards Iraq. They were escorted with APCs.

6 Azerbaijan — Armenia

Azerbaijan accused Armenia of evading the fulfillment of the obligations under the agreement on the complete ceasefire in Karabakh from 10th of November, 2020. «The statement, signed by the three parties on 10th November, 2020, clearly speaks of the pulling of the Armenian armed forces from the territory of Azerbaijan, and in no way provides for the transfer and deployment of military personnel» — the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry stated on their own website, on Thursday. According to the Foreign Ministry, such behavior «once again underlines the destructive position of Armenia».

Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS.

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