Riots broke out in Iraq


1 Iraq

Urban skirmishes took place in the center of Baghdad between the Iraqi servicemen and armed militants — the AFP reported on 30th of August while citing their source in the medical services. At least 23 armed militants and demonstrators were killed. There is no information about the casualties among the servicemen and the police. In the cities of Kirkuk, Samarra, and several other places similar skirmishes are taking place as well. The militants use grenade launchers, mortars, large-caliber small arms, and makeshift rockets. Skirmishes took place in the city of Basra, in south of Iraq, between the local militants and the pro-Iranian militia ’Hashd al-Shaabi’ — the ’Al-Sumariya’ reported on 30th of August. The fighting took place near the Italian bridge, in the center of Basra. The exact number of people, injured in the clashes, hasn’t been reported. During the fighting, the militants captured and burned the local militia HQ. The militants also took control of the city’s port, and the government building of the Basra province.

2 Ukraine

The Ukrainian forces shell the coastline of the town of Energodar, in the Zaporozhye region, with large-caliber artillery — the local authorities reported. The local military-civilian administration stated that the Ukrainian forces are trying to disrupt the work of the IAEA mission. At the moment, 20 attacks took place. The Zaporozhye NPP is under attack as well. 2 Ukrainian shells fell near the spent nuclear fuel storage. The Ukrainian forces have increased the number of shelling of that territory over the past few days. The town of Novaya Kakhovka, in the Kherson region, was shelled once again. A single 80-years old woman died. Several people were injured. 2 people died, 5 were injured in the city of Donetsk during a shelling. The Ukrainian shells hit the Petrovsky, Kuibyshevsky, and Kirovsky districts.

3 Ukraine

The Russian forces have eliminated more than a 1000 Ukrainian servicemen during the failed Ukrainian offensive operation in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction and in areas nearby — the Russian Ministry of Defense reported via Igor Konashenkov. The Russian forces defeated the Ukrainian forces, sent from the western Ukraine, namely the Ukrainian 128th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade. 5 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered. The Russian air force destroyed 5 Ukrainian field HQs, 3 armories and ammo depots, and 52 artillery units. The Russian forces have eliminated more than a 100 of Ukrainian fighters from the nationalistic group «Kraken», and the foreign mercenaries, all located near the village of Konstantinovka, in the DPR. More than 200 Ukrainian servicemen, plus about 40 foreign mercenaries, located near the village of Aleksandrovka, in the Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, were killed as well.

4 Poland

The Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, stated that there is a split in the EU due to the situation in Ukraine. The split can lead to an internal explosion. «There are people in the EU who are trying to convince the politicians and the public that the conflict in Ukraine can be ended, so everything can go back to business as usual” — he explained — «The threat of an internal explosion does exist. Thus, it is important to maintain a dialogue between us, in order to find compromises and a common denominator» — the newspaper ’Figaro’ quoted Mateusz Morawiecki. Earlier, the former Foreign Minister of Finland, Erkki Tuomioja, stated that the idea of Vladimir Zelensky to stop issuing visas to the Russian citizens could cause a split in the EU.

5 Ukraine

«The IAEA mission, headed by the director-general Rafael Grossi, is in Kiev» — the CNN reported on 30th of August. 14 members of the delegation were seen in one of the Kiev hotels by the CNN reporters. There is no information about when the mission will arrive at the Zaporozhye NPP. Earlier, Rafael Grossi stated that the team to be sent to the Zaporozhye NPP, has already been gathered. The team will arrive at the NPP during this week. The inspectors will assess the physical damage of the station, and determine the operability of the security systems of the facility. The specialists under the leadership of Rafael Grossi will also need to assess the working conditions of the local personnel, and take urgent measures to ensure the safety of the NPP.

6 Germany

The head of the German Foreign Ministry, Annalena Berbock, has addressed the EU countries with a proposal to introduce a temporary ban on the issuance of multi-year visas to the Russian citizens. Earlier, Germany suspended the visa agreement with Russia. The visa issue will be one of the key topics for the discussions at the informal meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the EU countries, which will be held from 30th till 31st of August, in the Czech Republic. It is assumed that France and Germany will oppose the ban. The Czech Republic, the Netherlands and a number of other states will likely support the initiative. The Russian presidential spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Kremlin will respond to such restrictions.

Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS

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