Speech of the Russian president / Terrorist shelling in Syria


1 Syria

The head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, Rear Admiral Oleg Zhuravlev, stated that on 24th of March two Turkish soldiers were injured during the patrol near the village of Sfukhon, in the Idlib province. The terrorists laid explosive devices on the route of the Turkish convoy. Two armored vehicles were damaged as well. Oleg Zhuravlev added that 7 shellings were recorded from the positions of the terrorist organization Jebhat al-Nusra in the province of Idlib.

2 Syria

The Kurdish «Syrian Democratic Forces» called on «all the parties of the Syrian conflict to support the initiative of the UN Secretary General, Antoni Guterres, to cease fire everywhere». The statement of the «Syrian Democratic Forces» was quoted the ‘Al Hadath’ TV. The «Syrian Democratic Forces» expressed their hope that the humanitarian truce «will open a way for a dialogue, and for a political process, which would lead to an end of the war in Syria». The first case of the coronavirus infection in Syria was announced on Sunday, by the Syrian Minister of Health, Nizar Yaziji. On Monday, António Guterres called for a ceasefire in all armed conflicts due to the coronavirus pandemic. Russia supports the call of the UN Secretary General to cease the hostilities. The Russian Foreign Ministry called the situations «in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, as well as in the Palestinian territories, including the Gaza Strip» to be especially alarming.

3 the USA

Donald Trump announced on air of the ‘Fox News’ that Turkey and the Kurdish forces are ready to sign a peace agreement. Donald Trump underlined that earlier the Turkish President Erdogan rejected his suggestions to conclude a peace agreement with the Syrian Kurds, but right now he is ready to do so. «They began to fight, and the situation became very unpleasant. Other countries intervened as well.» — Donald Trump explained. According to him — right now the parties agreed with his call to stop the conflict.

4 Italy

The 15th Russian military cargo plane Il-76, loaded with equipment for the diagnostics and for the disinfection measures, has arrived to the Italian air base »Pratica di Mare» — it delivered the special medical equipment to fight the coronavirus. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that a Russian convoy with military specialists and the special equipment headed to the Italian city of Bergamo from the Italian air base »Pratika di Mare». Earlier it was reported that the Russian military experts will work in Bergamo, which is one of the epicenters of the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease. The military equipment of the Russian Air Force, which was sent to Italy, has the inscription «from Russia with love.»

5 Russia

The Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the nation. He underlined that the state should work ahead of the schedule, and its main goals are the lives and the health of citizens. Vladimir Putin stated that the date of vote on the amendments to the Russian Constitution should be postponed due to the new coronavirus. Also, due to the pandemic, the next week was declared a non-working one in Russia, but with the salaries remained. The President called for a compliance with all the recommendations from doctors. One-time payments to the 75th anniversary of the Russian ‘Victory Day’ for the veterans and home-front workers will be paid in April. A tax for the withdrawal of the dividends to the offshore accounts was established in the amount of 15%. Small and medium-sized businesses will be provided with a 6-month tax deferral — except for the VAT and the insurance premiums.

6. Afghanistan

The ‘TOLOnews’ TV reported with a reference to the Afghanistan Interior Ministry that at least 25 people were killed during a terrorist attack on a Sikh worship site in Kabul. An explosion occurred on Wednesday morning. According to the TOLOnews — 8 people were injured, 80 people were saved. All 4 terrorists that committed the attack were eliminated during a special forces operation that lasted for about 6 hours. It was reported that up to 150 people were in the building at the time of the attack. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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