Syria. An explosion in Ras-Al-Ain


1 Syria

The Syrian state-run news agency ‘SANA’ reported about an explosion in a village to the south from the Syrian city of Ras al Ain, located at north of Syria, in the border region near Turkey. A motorcycle exploded at noon in one of the villages in which the Turkish military and the Syrian armed opposition groups, controlled by Turkey, are stationed. The ‘SANA’ reported that several civilians were killed and injured by the explosion. The exact number of victims wasn’t published.

2 Syria

Colonel Maxim Gerasimov, the deputy chief of staff for the logistics of the Russian Forces stationed in Syria, announced that for the first time Russia sent humanitarian aid to the Syrian province of Hasakah. Several dozen vehicles will deliver more than 170 tons of cargo to the province. Their route is more than 1,500 km long. The Russian military police and air force will guard the humanitarian convoy during the route. The areas where the trucks will pass through will be firstly inspected by drones. The humanitarian aid will be delivered to 3 settlements. The representatives of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the warring parties will transfer the aid to the local administration, which will distribute the aid among the locals.

3 Afghanistan

As a result of the explosion in the capital of the province of Paktiya, in east of Afghanistan, 5 people were killed, 20 were injured. Among the victims there are civilians and military personnel — the ‘1TV’ reported while citing a representative of the army corps. The explosion took place on Thursday morning, in the city of Gardez. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Afghanistan — a car-bomb exploded near a military facility. The ‘Tolo News’ TV reported, while citing the Afghan Interior Ministry, that a suicide bomber tried to activate a bomb, planted in a truck, near the gates of the department building, but he was shot dead. Despite the shot — the explosive device exploded. The Taliban claimed the responsibility for the explosion.

4 Yemen

The troops of the «Transitional Council of South Yemen» have established control over a number of military positions in the province of Abyan, in south of Yemen — the ‘RIA NEWS’ reported while citing their Yemeni military source. According to the source — the separatists from the south attacked the Yemeni army in the Al-Sheikh Salem region, east of the city of Zinjibar. After that, a number of military positions came under their control. The source added that 6 people were killed, 15 were injured as the result of the fighting. Earlier in April the »Transitional Council of South Yemen» announced an introduction of the self-government in the country’s southern provinces, declared a state of emergency, and also accused the Yemeni government of not fulfilling the Riyadh agreement. The Yemeni government accused the »Transitional Council of South Yemen» of destabilizing the situation in the south of the country. Clashes were reported between the government and separatist forces in the province of Abyan.

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