Syria. Observation post of Turkey in Idlib


1 Syria

The news website ’Al-Masdar’ reported while citing the local sources in Idlib that the Turkish troops started to leave their observation post in the town of Az-Zurba, in the south-western part of the Idlib province. It was noted that the Turkish troops left the post in several trucks. The Az-Zurba post is located near the strategic Aleppo-Damascus highway.

2 Nagorno-Karabakh

The Deputy Head of the Reconciliation Center in Nagorno-Karabakh, Colonel Dmitry Perepelkin, stated that the cease-fire in Nagorno-Karabakh is being fully observed. The situation in the area of ​​the peacekeeping operation is calm. It was noted that the Russian peacekeepers are monitoring the ceasefire at 23 observation posts. Patrols are being conducted at the entire contact line in the Lachin corridor. The safety of the civilian movement is secured. A round-the-clock monitoring of the situation in the area of ​​the peacekeeping operation was organized with the use of UAVs. The Russian peacekeepers ensure the safe return of the civilians back to their places of permanent residence. They also provide humanitarian aid, and the repair of the civilian infrastructure.

3 Armenia

The ’TASS’ news agency reported while citing the press service of the Armenian police that the policemen detained 29 opposition activists during their protest outside the Armenian Cabinet of Ministers. They demanded a resignation of the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan. «The police detained 29 citizens near the government building. They refused to comply with the lawful demands of the policemen» — the report specified. Earlier, during the protest, about 100 opposition activists tried to enter the building of the Armenian government. They demanded to speak with the Prime Minister of the country, Nikol Pashinyan.

4 Armenia — Azerbaijan

The Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia, Tigran Avinyan, stated on his Telegram channel that Azerbaijan handed over 3 prisoners to Armenia, with the mediation of Russia. The Armenian governmental informational center reported that the transferred prisoners are all elderly people. «They were transferred to Armenia on a priority basis, since they had serious health problems» — the message specified. On Wednesday, the Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan stated in the Armenian parliament that Armenia and Azerbaijan are planning to hold negotiations, aimed to resolve the border demarcation issues by the end of the year, with the mediation of Russia.

5 The USA

The US First Deputy Secretary of State, Stephen Bigan, called on Pyongyang to return to the dialogue by January. «Important events are coming in Pyongyang, in particular — the 8th congress of the party, in January. We strongly recommend North Korea to plan the resumption of the negotiations during that time» — the ’Yonhap’ news agency quoted his words. He expressed a regret on the «missed opportunities» of the DPRK to continue the negotiations. On 9th of December the US State Department announced that during a meeting with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea, Cho Se Young, in the city of Seoul, Stephen Bigen confirmed the readiness of the USA for a dialogue with Pyongyang, aimed to complete the denuclearization process.

6 Russia

The press service of the Russian Black Sea Fleet reported that the Russian Black Sea Fleet will take part in the ’AMAN-2021’ exercises. The exercises will take place in February 2021, in the Pakistani waters. The naval forces of more than 30 countries, including the NATO Navy, will take part in the exercises. 10 countries will use their fleets — the rest will send official observers. «A participation of the Russian Navy warships with the warships of the NATO naval forces in such joint exercise will take place 10 years after the completion of the previous such exercises ’Bold Monarch — 2011’, which took place near the Spanish coast» — the message concluded. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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