Syria repelled an air attack


1 Saudi Arabia

Colonel Turki al-Maliki, the spokesman of the coalition led by Saudi Arabia, reported about an interception of a ballistic missile, launched in the direction of Riyadh. It was reported that the launch was carried out by the Yemeni rebel movement ‘Ansar Allah’ — the Saudi press agency quoted al-Maliki. He clarified that during the previous bombardment of Saudi territory by the Yemeni rebels, which took place on the night of Monday to Tuesday — the rebels launched 8 UAVs and 3 missiles. According to al-Maliki — all the air targets were shot down by the coalition air defense forces. The «Sky News Arabia» TV reported on Monday evening that the coalition reported about an interception of several drones launched at Saudi Arabia. It was reported that the drones were filled with explosives, and they were sent to attack the Saudi civilian facilities.

2 Syria

The news agency ‘SANA’ reported that the Syrian air defenses repelled a drone attack near the city of Latakia. The drones were spotted above the village of Jebl, located near the Russian air base «Khmeimim». The attack of drones, belonging to the terrorist groups from the mountainous region in north of Latakia, was a violation of the cease-fire, set on 6th of March in the DMZ on the north-west of Syria.

3 Iraq

The ‘Reuters’ reported that 1 missile crashed into the Baghdad International Airport. The missile was launched from a settlement to the west of Baghdad. No significant damage was reported. It is currently unknown who carried out the missile attack.

4 India — China

The newspaper «The Times of India» reports while citing their military sources that during the negotiations with the Chinese military, the Indian military demanded to remove the Chinese troops from the Indian territory in the Pangong Tso area, and stop the build-up of the Chinese troops in the Galvan Valley, in the east of Ladakh. If these requirements are met — the situation will go back to the condition before the Chinese military invaded the Indian territory in late April. The negotiations took place in the village of Moldo, on the Chinese territory. «The de-escalation in the eastern Ladakh won’t be easy. It will take time. We hope for the best, but we are ready for the worst» — ‘The Times of India’ quoted the Indian military.

5 The USA — Syria

The US Special Representative for Syria, James Jeffrey, stated during an online seminar of the Washington Institute of the Middle East that the US government isn’t trying to curtail the Russian presence in Syria. While commenting on the entry into force of the new US sanctions under the «Caesar Law» — James Jeffrey confirmed that the USA aren’t considering, at the current stage, potential pulling out of troops from Syria. The American forces remain in the «north-east» of Syria, in the area of ​​Al-Tanf, on the border with Jordan. According to the US special envoy — the goal the new restrictions is to »hurt the people around Assad and make Syria understand that these restrictions won’t go anywhere until the authorities in Damascus change their policies». The representative of the US State Department added that the new sanctions aren’t aimed at the stopping of the humanitarian aid to Syria. James Jeffrey refused to clarify if the US administration plans to impose sanctions against Russia under the «Caesar’s law».

6 The USA — Iran

The ‘TASS’ news agency reports while citing their UN source that the USA submitted a resolution to extend the arms embargo against Iran to the UN Security Council, despite the Russian counter-arguments. «The USA submitted their draft resolution to the Security Council. The meeting of the UN Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is planned for 30th of June. Apparently this draft will be discussed at the meeting as well. However, the voting date hasn’t been declared yet» — the ‘TASS’ quoted their source. Earlier, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, sent a letter to the UN Secretary General and to the President of the UN Security Council in which he stated the lack of objective grounds for a discussion of the extension of the arms embargo against Iran. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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