Syria repelled an Israeli missile attack


The Syrian news agency ’SANA’ reported that the Syrian air defenses repelled an Israeli missile attack on the southern outskirts of Damascus, and on the province of Al-Quneitra. Most of the missiles were intercepted. It was reported that Israel launched several missile attacks on the military targets in southern Damascus, and in the province of Al-Quneitra. The attack came from the occupied Golan Heights. The missiles inflicted material damage with no casualties. The ’’Al Hadath’’ TV reported that the missiles were aimed at positions of the Syrian army and the pro-Iranian armed groups, deployed in Al-Quneitra. Missile explosions were heard in the area of the ​​Damascus International Airport, and near the 4th Elite Division, near Kiswa. The Israeli Air Force also attacked military targets in the suburbs of Sakhnaya, and a research center in Al-Himma.

The Prime Minister of the Central African Republic, Firmin Ngrebada, announced that the governmental forces took full control over the strategically important city of Bossembele — the radio station ’Ndeke Luka’ quoted his words. Firmin Ngrebada added that the governmental troops are «more motivated than ever before». The city is located 150 km to the north-west of the capital Bangui. The HQ of the rebel anti-governmental ’’Coalition of Patriots for Change’’ movement, created on 18th of December, 2020, was located in Bossembele. The most efficient units of the rebels were deployed in the city. The city is located on an important highway that connects the capital with Cameroon and deep-sea ports on the Atlantic coast.

’The Pioneer’ newspaper reported while citing the Indian Ministry of Defense that the Pakistani army fired from small arms and heavy mortars at Rajuri district, in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The shelling killed 1 Indian serviceman. It was noted that it was the 4th case of Indian servicemen loses from the Pakistani shellings in this year. The shelling came after the Pakistani army’s chief of staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, stated on Wednesday that Islamabad and New Delhi must find a peaceful solution to the Kashmir issue.

The Myanmar military has declared a state of emergency for 1 year, as well as the transfer of power under their control — the ’Xinhua’ news agency reported with a reference to the country’s military television. In a statement on an army TV channel, the Myanmar military stated that the decision to declare a state of emergency in the country was taken by them due to the rigged parliamentary elections. As a result of the coup — all the state power in the country was taken by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Myanmar, Min Aung Hlain. The military arrested the President of Myanmar, Vin Myin, and the head of the ruling ’National League for Democracy’ political party, Aung San Suu Kyi, who is also a state adviser, and the country’s foreign minister.

The Myanmar military dismissed 11 ministers and 24 deputy ministers. Orders for the dismissal of the ministers and deputy ministers, and the appointment of new ministers, were signed by the country’s military commander, Min Aung Hlein, who assumed full power on Monday. The orders were published by the military on the ’’Mya-wa-di’’ news website. In accordance with those orders — the new ministers headed the ministries.

The «Kyodo» news agency reported that the Myanmar military released about 400 previously detained people, including MPs from the ruling political party ’’The National League for Democracy’’. They were ordered to return home. The leadership of the ’’National League for Democracy’’ party, including their leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, are still under house arrests. Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ’ANNA NEWS’.

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