
Breaking News, 19th of November, 2018 Yoshihide Suga, the Secretary General of the Japanese government, announced the plans of Tokio regarding the negotiations on a peace treaty with Russia. Tokio hopes that if the South Kuril [...] 20.11.2018 Подробнее Donbass. Weekly news. of November, 2018 On Sunday, 11th of November, the residents of the DPR and LPR elected the future heads of the states, and parliamentarians in the parliaments. The turnout was very high — more than 80% in [...] 19.11.2018 Подробнее Noticias de última hora, el 18 de noviembre de 2018 El sábado por la tarde en las afueras de Grozniy cerca del puesto de policía federal número 21 una terrorista suicida desconocida se explotó. Los funcionarios del grupo operativo provisional de [...] Подробнее Schlagzeilen, 18. November 2018 Am Samstagabend verübte eine unbekannte Selbstmordattentäterin in der Nähe der Polizeistation 21 in der Nähe von Grosny Selbstsprengung. Als das unangemessene Verhalten einer jungen Frau, die [...] Подробнее Breaking News, 18th of November, 2018 On the Saturday evening, on the edge of the city of Grozny, near the police station number 21, an unknown woman blew herself up. After the policemen noticed the unusual behavior of a young woman [...] Подробнее Noticias de última hora, el 17 de noviembre de 2018 18.11.2018 Подробнее Schlagzeilen, 17. November 2018 Подробнее Actualités du jour, le 17 novembre Подробнее Breaking News, 17th of November, 2018 Подробнее Riassunto delle notizie, il 16 novembre 2018 17.11.2018 Подробнее
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