Terrorists in Idlib fired at a checkpoint


1 Syria

The deputy head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria, Vyacheslav Sytnik, reported that the terrorists of the ’Jebhat al-Nusra’ group attacked the checkpoint ’Serakab’ in Idlib. «On 24th of February the terrorists of the ’Jabhat al-Nusra’ attacked the checkpoint ’Serakab’ with mortars and a homemade UAV» — Vyacheslav Sytnik reported. It was noted that the command of the Russian forces in Syria decided to evacuate their personnel from the checkpoint. It wasn’t specified if there were victims. Vyacheslav Sytnik called on the command of the Turkish troops that control the territories in north-western Syria to ensure the safety of civilians who want to pass via the checkpoint.

2 Syria

The ’SANA’ News Agency reported that the US military delivered artillery shells and rockets to the US base in the city of Al Shaddadi, south of the Hasakah province. The ’SANA’ news agency reminded that the US base ’Al-Shaddadi’ is illegal. 2 US military helicopters, loaded with artillery shells and rockets, reportedly landed at the US base near the town of Al Shaddadi to fortify the local US bases, and provide a support for the US-controlled armed groups.

3 The USA — Afghanistan

The head of the US Senate Armed Services Committee, Jack Reed, stated during a briefing that the USA will extend their military presence in Afghanistan despite the agreement with the ’Taliban’. According to Jack Reed — «it seems that the Taliban didn’t follow the details of the agreement. Negotiations between the ’Taliban’ and the Afghan government went on and off. Mostly they didn’t happen». Jack Reed added that “the hope was that by now a framework agreement for a collegial government in Afghanistan would be worked out, thus giving some confidence for the future, stability, and a clear and irreversible divide between the ’Taliban’ and the terrorist groups’’. Jack Reid noted that the situation in Afghanistan is «one of the most difficult issues facing the US President Joe Biden at the moment». Jack Reed concluded that the USA must ensure that Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven for the terrorists to plan their attacks around the world.

4 Armenia

During the meeting of the Armenian Cabinet of Ministers, the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, announced that Armenia is starting an army reform. He explained that he «intends to sign an order on the formation of a working group, headed by the Minister of Defense, to create a concept and timeline for the reformation of the troops». Nikol Pashinyan added that in this case, Armenia intends to «closely cooperate with the main strategic ally in the field of security — with Russia.»

5 Armenia

The General Staff of Armenia announced that the Armenian troops are demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, and the entire government. «The Prime Minister and the Government of Armenia are no longer able to make proper decisions in this critical period of time for the Armenian people. Due to the current situation — the Armenian troops demand the resignation of the Prime Minister and the Government of Armenia. The troops also demand to refrain from using force against the people of Armenia who recently suffered losses while defending the country and Artsakh» — the statement stated. The Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, responded on Facebook that the demand of the General Staff for his resignation is a military coup. He called on his followers to come to the Republic Square.

6 Armenia

The Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan fired the Chief of the General Staff of Armenia, Colonel-General Onik Gasparyan, who, along with 40 other high-ranking officers, demanded Pashinyan’s resignation. Pashinyan announced his decision live on his Facebook page. He noted that the Minister of Defense is currently preparing a decision on the appointment of a new head of the General Staff and his deputies. The press service of the Presidential Administration of Armenia reported that the President of Armenia, Armen Sarkissian, received an offer from the Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, to dismiss Onik Gasparyan. The TASS news agency reported that the reason for the conflict was a dispute over the use of the Russian-made missile systems ’Iskander’ during the conflict in Karabakh. Earlier the country’s ex-president, Serzh Sargsyan, stated that the Armenian military should have deployed those missile systems in the first days of the war. Nikol Pashinyan stated that the systems were ineffective. The first deputy chief of the General Staff, Tiran Hachatryan, called Pashinyan’s words to be ’not serious’. He was fired after that statement. Constantine Reztsov, specially for the ANNA NEWS.

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