The Israeli Air Force attacked Hama


The ‘SANA’ news agency reports while citing a source in the Syrian high command that the Syrian air defense forces repelled an air attack over the city of Hama. «Israel committed a new aggression against Syria by attacking several military positions in Salmiya and Es Subbour, to the east of Hama» — the source of SANA reported. Earlier, the Israeli Air Force attacked the Syrian army positions in the city of Salhad, in the southern province of Es-saouira. As a result of the attack — 2 Syrian soldiers died, 4 were injured. The aircraft attacked their ground targets while in air to the east and north-east of Palmyra.

As a result of a bomb explosion in the center of the Syrian city of Afrin, in the province of Aleppo, 2 people were killed. Presumably, they were militants from the armed opposition forces — the ‘Al Hadath’ TV reports. According to the ‘Al Hadath’ — another 9 Syrians were injured. The IED was installed in a motorcycle, parked on the Mahmudiya shopping street, near the HQ of the Syrian opposition forces.

Colonel Turki al-Maliki, the spokesman of the coalition led by Saudi Arabia, reported about an interception of a ballistic missile, launched in the direction of Riyadh. It was reported that the launch was carried out by the Yemeni rebel movement ‘Ansar Allah’ — the Saudi press agency quoted al-Maliki. He clarified that during the previous bombardment of Saudi territory by the Yemeni rebels, which took place on the night of Monday to Tuesday — the rebels launched 8 UAVs and 3 missiles. According to al-Maliki — all the air targets were shot down by the coalition air defense forces. The «Sky News Arabia» TV reported on Monday evening that the coalition reported about an interception of several drones launched at Saudi Arabia. It was reported that the drones were filled with explosives, and they were sent to attack the Saudi civilian facilities.

The newspaper »Times of India» reports while citing their source that India is closely monitoring the concentration of the Chinese troops in the strategically important areas on the control line in the eastern Ladakh. “3 Indian infantry divisions, 10,000 to 12,000 troops each, as well as tanks and artillery were sent to the border with China, east of Ladakh. The Indian Air Force fighters make regular patrol flights over Ladakh as well” — the source of the newspaper reported. Earlier the Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Anurag Shrivastava, announced that the Indian Foreign Ministry warned China that the unwillingness of China to comply with the bilateral agreements to pull out their troops from the line of control in East Ladakh could lead to negative consequences for the relations between the two countries. «We expect China to understand it, and ensure the speedy restoration of peace on the border» — the diplomat explained.

The Libyan National Army spokesman, Ahmed al-Mismari, stated the LNA, led by the Field Marshal Khalif Haftar, announced an introduction of a no-fly zone over the city of Sirt and the nearby areas — the ‘Al Arabiya’ TV quoted Al-Mismari. According to him, «any airplanes that fly into this no-fly zone will be shot down». Al-Mismari also stated that it is now forbidden to leak the information about the movement of the LNA forces.

The foreign ministries of France, Germany and Italy made a joint statement in which they called on all countries, operating in Libya, to cease their military actions in that country. They also called for an end to any interference, and for a full compliance with the arms embargo, which was introduced by a decision of the UN Security Council. And also to return to the negotiations in the military committee, in the “5 + 5” format under the UN flag, held to achieve a ceasefire. The joint statement of the 3 countries underlined that the cessation of the hostilities «is an important step for creating the conditions, needed for the effective resumption of the internal Libyan political dialogue, which will ensure a long-term resolution of the conflict». Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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