Итоги Дня

The situation on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan 1 Azerbaijan — Armenia The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry stated that on 1st of June, at 20:00, 40 Armenian servicemen entered the territory of Azerbaijan, and tried to gain a foothold in the [...] 02.06.2021 Подробнее Los jusitas atacaron Arabia Saudita 1. Yemen. El ataque contra Arabia Saudita El movimiento rebelde de “Ansar Allah” de Yemen anunció un ataque contra Arabia Saudita. Yahya Saria, el portavoz de la Fuerza Armada del movimiento, [...] 31.05.2021 Подробнее The Ansar Allah hit Saudi Arabia 1 Yemen. Strike at Saudi Arabia The Yemeni rebel movement ’Ansar Allah’ announced an attack on Saudi Arabia. A spokesman for the movement, Yahya Saria, stated that a Saudi air base near the [...] Подробнее ONU: Los ataques aéreos israelíes pueden ser crímenes de guerra 1.Buenos días, en el aire estoy yo, Svetlana Borónina, voy a presentarles noticas especiales de ANNA News. 2. Michelle Bachelet, la Alta Comisionada de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos, condenó [...] 30.05.2021 Подробнее The UN: Israeli air strikes might be war crimes This is a special program from the ANNA NEWS. I am Constantine Reztsov. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, denounced the recent violence in the Gaza Strip, and on the [...] Подробнее El ataque con misiles contra la base militar en Iraq La base de la fuerza aérea iraquí de Ain al-Assad fue atacada con misiles. La base está situada a 110 kilómetros al oeste de Bagdad. Es una de las mayores bases militares que albergan las tropas [...] 29.05.2021 Подробнее A missile attack on a military base in Iraq The Iraqi air force base ’Ain al-Assad’ was hit by a missile attack. The air base, located 110 kilometers west of Baghdad, is one of the largest military bases that hosts the US troops in Iraq. [...] Подробнее Results of elections in Syria 1 Syria The chairman of the Syrian People’s Council, Hammud Sabag, announced at a press conference in Damascus, which was broadcast by the ’Al Ekhbariya’ TV, that the current Syrian president, [...] 28.05.2021 Подробнее Los resultados de las elecciones en Siria 1.Siria Siria anunció los resultados de la votación en las elecciones presidenciales, que tuvieron lugar el 26 de mayo. Hammud Sabag, el presidente del Consejo Popular sirio, declaró que Bashar [...] Подробнее Baku captured Armenian servicemen 1 Azerbaijan. Capture of the Armenian military The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry stated that a reconnaissance and sabotage group of Armenian servicemen tried to enter Azerbaijan. 6 Armenian [...] 27.05.2021 Подробнее
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