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Guaido urges the EU to impose sanctions against Maduro The Venezuelan Supreme Court banned the opposition leader Juan Guaido from leaving the country — Interfax reports. The court also banned his bank accounts, and forbidden any transactions [...] 31.01.2019 Подробнее САЩ въведоха нови санкции срещу Венецуела САЩ възнамерява да преустанови своето участие в Договора за премахване на ракети със среден и по-малкък обсег на действие през този уикенд, съобщава «Интерфакс», цитирайки агенция [...] 30.01.2019 Подробнее America introdujo las sanciones nuevas contra Venezuela «Interfax» con referencia a la agencia Bloomberg informa que según la información de las fuentes en la Casa Blanca America tiene intenciones de suspender su participación en el Tratado sobre la [...] Подробнее Gli Stati Uniti hanno imposto nuove sanzioni contro il Venezuela Gli Stati Uniti hanno intenzione di sospendere la sua partecipazione al Trattato sull’eliminazione dei missili a raggio intermedio e a corto raggio questo fine settimana, secondo Interfax, [...] Подробнее Die USA haben neue Sanktionen gegen Venezuela verhängt Die Vereinigten Staaten beabsichtigen, dieses Wochenende ihre Teilnahme am INF-Vertrag auszusetzen, berichtete Interfax unter Berufung auf Bloomberg. Laut der Quelle der Agentur im Weißen Haus [...] Подробнее Les Etats-Unis ont adopté de nouvelles sanctions contre Venezuela Les Etats-Unis vont arrêter de participer au Traité FNI ce week-end, informe « Interfax » en se référant à Bloomberg. Selon une source de l’agence dans la Maison-Blanche, si la Russie ne détruit [...] Подробнее The USA introduced new sanctions against Venezuela ‘The United States intend to suspend their participation in the INF Treaty during this weekend’ — Interfax reports while citing Bloomberg. According to the source of Bloomberg [...] Подробнее Le truppe siriane hanno attaccato le basi militanti di Hama L’artiglieria dell’esercito del governo siriano ha attaccato le basi dei militanti del gruppo estremista Kataib al-Izz a nord del centro provinciale di Ham, riferisce TASS riferendosi [...] 28.01.2019 Подробнее Las tropas sirias atacaron las bases de los rebeldes en Hama TASS con referencia a la agencia SANA informa que la artillería del ejército gubernamental de Siria realizó los ataques contra las bases de los rebeldes del grupo extremista «Kataib [...] Подробнее Syrian troops attacked the terrorist bases in Hama The Syrian artillery hit the terrorist bases of the group »Kataib al-Izza», located north from the provincial center of Hama, TASS reports with a reference to the SANA agency. According [...] Подробнее
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