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El Ejército Sirio-Árabe tomó la ciudad de Khan Shaykhun 1.Siria Las Noticias de RIA informan que las unidades del ejército sirio rodearon a los terroristas al sur de la cudad de Khan Shaykhun. También se cerraran las líneas deñ suministro al enemigo. [...] 22.08.2019 Подробнее L`esercito arabo siriano occupò la città di Khan Sheikhun 1. Siria Unità dell’esercito siriano hanno circondato i terroristi in diversi villaggi a sud della città di Khan Sheikhun, hanno interrotto le loro rotte di rifornimento, ha riferito RIA [...] Подробнее Damas reprend le contrôle de la ville de Khan Cheïkhoun La Syrie L’armée syrienne a encerclé les terroristes dans plusieurs villages au sud de la ville de Khan Cheïkhoun, leur coupant les voies d’approvisionnement, a rapporté RIA Novosti, citant [...] Подробнее Syrian arab army captured the city of Khan Sheikhun 1 Syria The Syrian army surrounded the terrorists in several villages to the south from the city of Khan Sheikhun. The terrorist supply routes were cut off — RIA NEWS reports while citing a [...] Подробнее Sudan has formed the Sovereign Council 1 the USA Donald Trump announced that he supports the return of Russia to the «G8». “I think it would be much more practical for Russia to be in the G7. Many of the topics that we [...] Подробнее L’Armée arabe syrienne a pris les positions au nord de Khan Cheikhoun 1 Syrie L’aviation syrienne a effectué une frappe contre une colonne de matériel de l’armée turque dans le gouvernorat d’Idlib. D’après les correspondants de guerre, la colonne avait été envoyée [...] Подробнее El Ejército Sirio Árabe ha establecido posiciones en la periferia del norte de Khan Shaykhun 1.Siria Los corresponsales de guerra informan que la Fuerza Aérea de Siria realizó el ataque contra un convoy de vehículos blindados del ejército turco en la provincia de Idlib de Siria. El [...] Подробнее The Syrian Arab Army has taken up the positions on the northern outskirts of Khan Sheikhun 1. Syria The Syrian Air Force attacked a convoy of Turkish armored vehicles in the Syrian province of Idlib. According to the military reporters — the convoy was sent from one Turkish [...] Подробнее L’Esercito arabo siriano ha assunto posizioni nella periferia nord di Khan Sheikhun 1. Siria L’aeronautica militare siriana ha attaccato una colonna di veicoli corazzati dell’esercito turco nella provincia siriana di Idlib. Secondo i commissari militari, il convoglio [...] 21.08.2019 Подробнее Turkey supports the terrorists in Khan Sheikhun 1 Syria Turkish military vehicles, loaded with ammo, crossed the Syrian border and headed towards the city of Khan Sheikhun — TASS reports while citing the statement of the official [...] 20.08.2019 Подробнее
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