Итоги Дня

The situation in Kazakhstan is tense || Спецвыпуск 09.01.2022 This is a special program from the ANNA NEWS, I am Constantine Reztsov. The situation in Kazakhstan remains tense. There is information about shootings in several cities of the country. [...] 09.01.2022 Подробнее Riots in Kazakhstan 1 Kazakhstan According to the preliminary data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, 13 police officers were killed and more than 350 were wounded over the past day. «13 [...] 07.01.2022 Подробнее Las protestas en Kazajstán 1.Kazajstán En la ciudad de Zhanaozen, en la región de Aktau de Kazajstán, se están realizando las protestas masivas en relación con el aumento al doble del precio de la gasolina para repostar [...] 05.01.2022 Подробнее Protests in Kazakhstan 1 Kazakhstan Mass protests took place in the city of Zhanaozen, in the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan. The reason was a two-fold increase in the gas prices for cars on 1st of January. The [...] Подробнее Ataque con misiles en el puerto de Latakia 1.Siria La agencia siria SANA informa que el 28 de diciembre, por la noche los aviones israelíes atacaron el puerto de Latakia. Se registran graves daños materiales. Cabe señalar que es el [...] 28.12.2021 Подробнее A missile attack on port in Latakia 1 Syria On the night of 28th December, the Israeli Air Force attacked the port of Latakia from the sea side. The containers were hit, a fire broke out. No casualties were reported, but there was [...] Подробнее Las acciones de combate en la frontera entre Afganistán y Paquistán. || Спецпроект 26.12.2021 1.Buenos días, en el aire estoy yo, Svetlana Borónina, voy a presentarles noticas especiales de ANNA News. 2.Las formaciones armadas de “Talibán” (el movimiento radical que está prohibido en [...] 26.12.2021 Подробнее Fighting on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. || Спецпроект 26.12.2021 This is a special program from the ANNA NEWS, I am Constantine Reztsov. Battles between the Taliban terrorists and the Pakistani army took place on the Afghan-Pakistani border, in the Kunar [...] Подробнее Explosion in Kabul 1 Afghanistan The Tolo News TV reported with a reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Afghanistan that an explosion took place in Kabul, near a passport issuing office. The deputy [...] 23.12.2021 Подробнее La explosión en Kabul 1.Afganistán El canal de televisión Tolo News con referencia al Ministerio del Interior del país informa que se produjo una explosión en la capital afgana de Kabul. Akil Jan Azzam, el secretario [...] Подробнее
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